Mega Capital Ltd Review

Mega Capital Ltd Review

The image links to https://megacapital.ltd/?a=about

Click on the image above to go to the Mega Capital Ltd “About” page.

In this Megacapital Ltd review, we will try to find out who they are and whether they are a scam-or-dare.
According to their website, “we are a leading financial investment platform focusing on various aspects of finance and wealth management…”
Megacapital Ltd is a private Limited Liability Company established on 17th October 2021 and was incorporated on the same date.
They have a simple and efficient way to invest and manage assets, maintain records, and have access to bank term deposits listed on major exchanges and stock markets throughout the world. Furthermore, they provide access to reports, analysis tools, and high-touch client/customer services through a team of over 72 highly trained service staff.
Again, according to their literature, they provide access to over 4,000 funds and assets listed on major capital markets. These include and are not limited to:
  • Forex Trading;
  • Real Estate Investments;
  • Gold, Silver, and other precious metals;
  • Retirement Planning;
  • Loans and Grants;
  • Medicinal Cannabis;
  • Cryptocurrencies;
  • Oil & Gas; and
  • Much more.

Pretty impressive right?

Let’s delve in and see what we can find out.

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Mega Capital Ltd “Live Chat”

I decided to check out the live chat function on their site to try to get answers to some simple and reasonable questions.

I wanted to know:

  • What major markets and exchanges that they were listed on and under what ticker symbols;
  • I also wanted to know where the Mega Capital headquarters were and who were the principals involved.

Find below, the conversation with their “Live Chat Bot”.  What’s more, I used an email account reserved for “Spam” emails to introduce myself.

As you can see, I got nowhere. Their live chat is a “Free” Bot that you can program to answer certain questions with a corresponding answer. As you can see from the above, their Bot was not programmed to answer my questions.
Incidentally, when I returned a few days later, the “chat” function on their website had been removed.

Red flag number 1.

Mega Capital Ltd Headquarters

I had a bit of a challenge digging this up.

Again, all I could find out from their website is that they established their LLC on 17th October 2021 and incorporated the same day. They listed their address as being in Kington, Kington, United Kindom.

So I googled “Mega Capital Ltd, Kington, Kington United Kingdom” and got the following:

Ok, so now It looks like I have the right corporation, MegaCapital Ltd, and their address is in Kington, UK.

They are located as a Private Limited Company at:

61 Bridge Street, Kington Kington

United Kingdom


So now I “Googled” the address.

What a surprise.

Here’s what this address looked like in 2011.

Here is what it looks like now:

Ghost Mail is a mail forwarding, parcel handling, and registered office facilities service.
What’s more, there are 89 active and 8 inactive companies using this service and Mega Capital Ltd. is not one of them.
I am really confused about a multi-million dollar company registered in a mailbox.
Red flag number 2.

ScamDoc Analysis Of The Mega Capital Ltd Website

The image links to https://www.scamdoc.com

Click on the image above to visit the ScamDoc website.

Scamdoc is a web tool that evaluates “digital identities” reliability (email address or website).

It provides answers to questions frequently asked by Internet users. You can check to see if a website is reliable or not, how to detect fraudulent emails, and how much to trust a website or an Internet correspondent.

The use of ScamDoc is free and unlimited. As such, this site can be used by anybody who wishes to get some information before purchasing or during an exchange with an unknown contact.

ScamDoc uses a web service called ScamPredictor. It is an algorithm developed by the Scamwatcher.com platform team which uses an artificial intelligence classification system. Just enter an e-mail or a website URL to get a detailed report with a trust score!

Here are the results for the Mega Capital Ltd Wesite:

Doesn’t look too good, does it?

The site is suspected to be a source of SPAM, is less than 6 months old, and has been purchased on a year-to-year renewal standard.

It is important to note that the site is less than 1 year old even though the company registered two years earlier.

Red flag number 3.

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Mega Capital Ltd Investment Plans

As we can see, Mega Capital Ltd has an extensive range of investment opportunities.
The “Key” word to keep in mind here is “Invest.”

They offer Invest opportunities in the following and more:

  • CFDs on FX
  • Commodities
  • Shares
  • ETFs and more

Low costs, fast execution, and 24/7 support.

They have over $91 million in transactions, 49.6 thousand active accounts, through 1.2 + thousand running days. Let us ask ourselves something. Should not these figures be a “running live” feature on their website?

I have checked it over a few days and these numbers remain constant. Does that not mean that there is no actual activity?

Red flag number four.

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The Mega Capital Ltd Cryptocurrency Plans

The image links to https://www.gettyimages.ca/photos/cryptocurrency

Click on the image above to go to Getty Images.


Cryptocurrency is very dear to my heart and I have been involved in it since 2016 when I bought 10 BTC at plus or minus $600.00 USD each. Bitcoin as I write is at almost $25,000.00 USD per coin.

It went as high as $64,000.00 in 2021. I liquidated 9 of my coins at $38 to $44,000,00 per coin. I did not think at that time it would go as high as $64,000.00 per coin.

Remember that there are only so many BTCs that can be mined. What is more important to know is that 1 BTC can be divided into 100,000,000 Satoshis.
In the distant future, people will not be buying BTC, they will be buying a Satoshi. I still have 100,000,000 Satoshis.

You do not want to lose your BTC and other ALT currencies to “Bad Actors” on the Internet.

Let’s get back to the Mega Capital Cryptocurrency Plans.

The Bronze Plan:

Minimum Investment $100 – $25,999.00

Daily Profit 1.3% daily = 474.5 % Yearly

Duration: 5 days – meaning we have to wait 5 days before we can withdraw.

The referral Bonus is 5% for bringing in others between $100 – $25,999.00

The next level is,

The Silver Plan:

Minimum Investment is $26,000 – $49,990.00

Daily profit is 1.5% daily = 547.50 % Yearly.

Duration: 6 days – meaning we have to wait 6 days before we can withdraw.

The referral bonus is 6% for bringing in others between $26,000 – $49,999.00

Do we see the problem here with this model?


Let me point it out and at the same time, keep in the back of our minds the “Value of $1.oo,”

We invest $25,999.oo in Btc into the program @ 1.3% daily.
That means that I earn $337.99 per day ( 25,999 X 0.013 = 337.99).

Because there is a “duration period” of 5 days, this means that I cannot withdraw until the 6th day.
By then, I can withdraw $1,689.94 ($337.99 X 5 = $1,689.94)

For simplicity’s sake, we will withdraw monthly.

Our account is earning $337.99 per day which means $123,336.35 per year ($377.99 X 365 = $123,336.35)

That means that my original investment of $25,999.00 has earned me a net gain of $97,337.35 ($123,336.35  minus $25999.00).

Is this possible? No. But let’s continue.

Now, if we add $1 and invest $26,000 here is what happens in the “Silver” plan:

By investing $26,000.00 instead of $25,999.00 we are now going to earn 1.5% daily or 547.50% annually(1.5% times 365 = 547.50%)

To make the math shorter that would mean that by adding just $1 the numbers change dramatically.

$26,000.00 X 1.5% = $390.00 daily

Equals $142, 350.00 Annually with a net gain of $116,350.00 ($142,350.oo minus $26,000.00).

By adding $1 we have made an additional $19,012.65.

This model is not sustainable.

Click on the text here to link to another similar model that has already stopped paying out.

The image links to https://scam-or-dare.com/srexter-investments-review

click on the image above to read the Srexter review.

Red flag number five.
These HYIPs (High yield Investment programs) are very dangerous territory, especially when combined with cryptocurrency because once your BTC (for example) is gone, it is gone. And you do not know who it went to.

I am not going to waste any more of my time or yours on this company and will summarize below.

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Summary Of Mega Capital Ltd Review.

Links to https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/pmindra

Click on the image above to view my home online.

Hi, Your Admin here on this site, Paul Mindra

Is MegaCapital Ltd a Scam or a Dare?

Well with 5 Red flags without even going into detail, I say that Mega Capital Ltd is a Pure Scam, but if you “Dare” to try it, do so with your “Big-Boy” pants on.

Meaning, don’t cry after the fact and keep any finger-pointing directed back to you.

There are a few legitimate opportunities available online to better your presence in life. Unfortunately, they are not “Get Rich Quick.”

For those looking for “Quick” options, especially in the Cryptocurrency/Forex/Binary options markets I can only offer some guidance.

If you suspect that an individual or firm selling an investment or offering advice is not registered in their proper jurisdiction, stop dealing with them immediately. If someone who has approached you to invest tells you they are registered, check NRS and with the registered firm they say they represent.

National Registry Search (Canada)

Some Guidelines that you should consider:

  • Returns that are “too good to be true” probably are. Bad actors often try to hook people by guaranteeing extremely high returns in a short period of time with little or no risk.
  • Bad Actors who promote fraudulent schemes don’t want to give you any time to figure out their game. They may also pressure you to invest a little at first. Once you invest, they will then come back looking for a larger amount.
  • Bad Actors may offer to help you with your investment account or ask for remote access to your computer or mobile device. Giving out your account information to these Bad Actors, or allowing them to access your computer or mobile device is extremely risky. It could result in fraud and/or identity theft.
  • Be wary of investments that are promoted as exclusive offers only to you and select people, like wealthy insiders, have access to them. Bad Actors like to name-drop or say they have access to famous or rich people when promoting an investment.
  • If an investment advisor or individual says they are giving you “confidential” investment advice, they may actually be deceiving you or their employer. Both put you at risk. It is illegal to knowingly trade on inside information.
  • If a firm or individual from outside of Canada is trying to open an account for you, wants to give you trading or investment advice, or is offering you an investment, be extremely wary. Brokerage firms need to register with your province or territory as dealers or advisors in order to open trading accounts or recommend investments to you.
  • Anti-establishment – Any individual who encourages you to subvert the government or avoid financial institutions is most likely trying to keep their illegal activities from being tracked.
  • Cutting out the paper trail. Without documents for investment purchases, statements, or a prospectus (a formal document that explains the details of an investment and the risks involved), a Bad Actor can easily take your money without being detected.

If the person/company selling you the investment doesn’t answer your questions or they use diversionary tactics, they’re probably trying to keep you from seeing the truth. A legitimate investment has nothing to hide.

I trust that this review was helpful.

If you want to turn something on your mind into a passion, and then into a striving business, you need some guidance.

Click Here to Learn before you remove the “L.”

Kindest regards,

Paul Mindra.

Wealthy Affiliate ID 39CB2D34

AKA The Forensic Affiliate

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Index Digital Trade Review

The image links to the Index Digital Trade Website.

Click on the image to go to the Index Digital Trade website – About Us.

According to their website, Index-Digital Trade is a leading investment/asset management company offering premium investment services to investors; both individuals and corporations.

They pride themselves in their guarantees and successful track record in the trading/investment market.

If they are accepting Investments from Investors in the US Territories,  then they must be at least, registered with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)

Regardless of their goal.

If they are doing business in Canada they must also be registered with:

Do you see any mention of these “security exchanges” on their site?


But they have a good video…see below.

Cryptographic Hashing Function.

Video: Good to watch.

The above video is actually really good for understanding the “Hashing Function” with Bitcoin Mining.

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Live Website Chat at Index Digital Trade

Before, doing this review, I thought I would use the “Live Chat” function that is offered on the Index-Digitaltrade website.

Here are the responses I got through “the screenshots provided for you”:

So, Red Flag number 1.

Their Live Chat is not “Live” and even the “live Chat Bot” that they use is not very efficient.

This is the same bot by Tideo which can be found on another site that looks suspiciously similar to this site and may be being operated by the same “Bad Actors.”

Red flag number 1.

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Website Analysis – ScamDoc

The image links to https://www.scamdoc.com/

Click on the image above to visit the ScamDoc website.

Scamdoc is a web tool that evaluates “digital identities” reliability (email address or website).

It provides answers to questions frequently asked by Internet users. You can check to see if a website is reliable or not, how to detect fraudulent emails, and how much to trust a website or an Internet correspondent.

The use of ScamDoc is free and unlimited. As such, this site can be used by anybody who wishes to get some information before purchasing or during an exchange with an unknown contact.

ScamDoc uses a web service called ScamPredictor. It is an algorithm developed by the Scamwatcher.com platform team which uses an artificial intelligence classification system. Just enter an e-mail or a website URL to get a detailed report with a trust score!

Here are the results for https://www.index-digitaltrade.com/

Doesn’t look too good, does it?

The site is suspected to be a source of SPAM, is less than 6 months old, and has been purchased on a year-to-year renewal standard.

The owner of the Domain Name is hidden and is expected to have a short life expectancy.

Red flag number 2.

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Investor Security and Protection


According to its website, Index Digital trade offers its investors access to high-growth investment opportunities in the financial markets through the utility of state-of-the-art technical facilities and the implementation of industry-standard cryptocurrency trading strategies.

“We are pleased to offer some of the most dynamic and high-performing investment services available.” – Source Index Digital Trade Website.

Today, we manage a total of £455.6bn (€501.2bn/$562.9bn) of assets on behalf of governments, insurers, companies, charities, foundations, and individuals across 80 countries (as of 30 June 2013).

Wholly Crap.

They are bordering on 1 Trillion but we do not know who these guys are.

Count to 1 Google.

The image links to Facebook.

Click on the image above to learn how to count to 1 Google.

You know what?

I hope you have learned something from the two videos posted here on this site. They are good. Everything else so far is bad.

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Index Digital Trade Investment Plans


Read about Srexter here.

I am not going to go further to waste your time or mine in “writing this review.”

This site and its solicitations are a scam.


Links to https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/pmindra

Click on the image above to view my profile at my home online.

Hi, Your Admin here on this site, Paul Mindra.

Is Index Digital Trade a Scam or a Dare?

I say that Index Digital Trade is a Pure Scam, but if you “Dare” to try it, do so with your “Big-Boy” pants on.

Meaning, don’t cry after the fact and keep any finger-pointing directed back to you.

There are a few legitimate opportunities available online to better your presence in life. Unfortunately, they are not “Get Rich Quick.”

For those looking for “Quick” options, especially in the Cryptocurrency/Forex/Binary options markets I can only offer some guidance for Canadaians but you can get what you need in your particular jurisdiction through some due diligence.

If you suspect that an individual or firm selling an investment or offering advice is not registered in their proper jurisdiction, stop dealing with them immediately. If someone who has approached you to invest tells you they are registered, check NRS and with the registered firm they say they represent.

National Registry Search (Canada)

Some Guidelines that you should consider:

  • Returns that are “too good to be true” probably are. Bad actors often try to hook people by guaranteeing extremely high returns in a short period of time with little or no risk.
  • Bad Actors who promote fraudulent schemes don’t want to give you any time to figure out their game. They may also pressure you to invest a little at first. Once you invest, they will then come back looking for a larger amount.
  • Bad Actors may offer to help you with your investment account or ask for remote access to your computer or mobile device. Giving out your account information to these Bad Actors, or allowing them to access your computer or mobile device is extremely risky. It could result in fraud and/or identity theft.
  • Be wary of investments that are promoted as exclusive offers only to you and select people, like wealthy insiders, have access to them. Bad Actors like to name-drop or say they have access to famous or rich people when promoting an investment.
  • If an investment advisor or individual says they are giving you “confidential” investment advice, they may actually be deceiving you or their employer. Both put you at risk. It is illegal to knowingly trade on inside information.
  • If a firm or individual from outside of Canada is trying to open an account for you, wants to give you trading or investment advice, or is offering you an investment, be extremely wary. Brokerage firms need to register with your province or territory as dealers or advisors in order to open trading accounts or recommend investments to you.
  • Anti-establishment – Any individual who encourages you to subvert the government or avoid financial institutions is most likely trying to keep their illegal activities from being tracked.
  • Cutting out the paper trail. Without documents for investment purchases, statements, or a prospectus (a formal document that explains the details of an investment and the risks involved), a Bad Actor can easily take your money without being detected.

If the person/company selling you the investment doesn’t answer your questions or they use diversionary tactics, they’re probably trying to keep you from seeing the truth. A legitimate investment has nothing to hide.

I trust that this review was helpful.

If you want to turn something on your mind into a passion, and then into a striving business, you need some guidance.

Click Here to Learn before you remove the “L.”

The link above is not “Bait and Switch.” It is real since 2005.

Kindest regards,

Paul Mindra.

AKA The Forensic Affiliate.



Srexter Investments Review

Srexter Investments Review

Image links to www.srexter.com

Click on the image above to visit the Srexter Website.

According to their website, Srexter Investments is an investment services company. In this Srexter Investments Review, we will learn if they offer investors access to legitimate high-growth investment opportunities in the Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency markets.

Their professional team will take charge of trading and mining management to ensure that investor profit is secured.

“Our technology is revolutionizing the financial services industry by empowering millions across the globe to safely, easily and conveniently invest in cryptocurrency, which is the fastest-growing digital and financial asset in the world. If you have not invested in bitcoin yet, sign up and invest today! Don’t get left behind.” – Source Srexter Wesite.

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Company Headquarters

755 boul. St – Jean Suite 305



H9R – 5M9


Telephone: (571) 357-3154

The number above, when I called is not in Quebec Canada but in Virginia USA. Try it for yourself.

Quebec Area Codes are:

263, 354, 367, 418, 438, 450, 468, 514, 579, 581, 819, and 873.
Do you see 571 anywhere?

I then searched the directory at 755 Boul. Saint-Jean Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 5M9 

and could not find Srexter Investments listed in suite 305.

Note also that there is zero mention of owners, directors, chairmen, etc., but Srexter boasts over 4.8 million active investment accounts worldwide and over $106 Billion in active capital investments.

My God, they are bigger than most fortune 500 companies and the principals should be on the cover of Fortune magazine. But we do not know who they are. Ask yourself, “why are they anonymous?”

Red flag number 1.

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ScamDoc Analysis of the Srexter website

The image links to www.scandoc.com

Click on the image above to visit the ScamDoc Website.

Scamdoc is a web tool that evaluates “digital identities” reliability (email address or website).

It provides answers to questions frequently asked by Internet users. You can check to see if a website is reliable or not, how to detect fraudulent emails, and how much to trust a website or an Internet correspondent.

The use of ScamDoc is free and unlimited. As such, this site can be used by anybody who wishes to get some information before purchasing or during an exchange with an unknown contact.

ScamDoc uses a web service called ScamPredictor. It is an algorithm developed by the Scamwatcher.com platform team which uses an artificial intelligence classification system. Just enter an e-mail or a website URL to get a detailed report with a trust score!

Here are the results for “www.srexter.com”:


Doesn’t look too good, does it?

The site is suspected to be a source of SPAM, is less than 6 months old, and has been purchased on a year-to-year renewal standard.

It is important to note that the site is less than 1 year old.

Red flag number 2.

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Investor Security and Protection

According to the website, Investors are guaranteed protection.

“When we say that you are secured we really mean it. We have built one of the world’s most sophisticated security systems that have never been compromised. Members’ records are kept confidential from third parties…”

“…Our company is fully regulated by the FCA and CySec and your funds are, additionally, covered by our Insurance Policy so you don’t have to worry about losing your invested capital.” – Source Srexter website.

I’ve heard all of this before.

For your information, FCA stands for “Financial Conduct Authority,” and they regulate financial services firms and financial markets in the UK.

Cysec is an acronym for Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission and they are the financial regulatory agency of Cyprus. As an EU member state, CySEC’s financial regulations and operations comply with the European MiFID financial harmonization law.

MiFID (the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) is a European regulation that increases the transparency across the European Union’s financial markets and standardizes the regulatory disclosures required for firms operating in the European Union.

Now let me ask you…”What does any of the above have to do with a Securities Investment Firm operating (supposedly) out of Quebec Canada.?”

First and foremost to operate in Canada, Srexter Investments have to be listed with:

And if they are accepting Investments from US Investors then they must also be registered with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)

We see none of this on their website.

Instead, they provide the following:

This is only a certificate indicating that the “Articles” of their Corporation have been amended.

Red flag number 3.

P.S. No mention is given as to who underwrites their “Insurance Policy.”

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The Srexter Investment Plans.

According to their website, Srexter is a leading cryptocurrency investment company offering premium investment services to investors; both individuals and corporations.

“We pride ourselves in our guarantees and successful track record in the cryptocurrency trading/investment market through the utility of State-of-the-art and the implementation of industry-standard cryptocurrency trading strategies…”

“…Our goal is to enhance lives by providing a safe avenue, inspired by effective and innovative solutions for investing in the different, emerging cryptocurrency markets in order to improve our investors’ financial situation and ultimately provide them financial freedom.” – Source Srexter Website.

Srexter Investments offer 5 levels of participation to choose from. You can invest as little as $200.00 and as much as $50,000.00 with ROI interest rates ranging from 1.7% to 5.3% daily.

Let me explain the tables shown below based on some assumptions to you.

With table one (Average), the investment is between $200.00 – $999.00 with an ROI of 1.7% daily.

Table 2 (Standard) requires an investment of $1,000.00 – $4,999.00 with an ROI of 2.5% daily.

Table 3 (Premium) requires an investment of $5,000.00 – $14,999.00 with an ROI of 3.3% daily.

In all cases, there is an “Arbitration Duration” of 30 days which means that you cannot withdraw until the 31st day.

Do you see what’s wrong with the Srexter Investment Plans picture here when scales like these are used?

No? O.K.

Let me explain the power of $1.00 if all of this fantasy were true which it is not.

Table 1 – $200.00 – $999.00 Investment required.

We invest $999.00 @ 1.7% per day as an “Average” Investor.

We earn $16.98 daily ($999.00 X 0.017 = $16.98)

After 30 days we can withdraw $509.40 ($16.98 X 30 = $509.40) monthly for 12 months.

$509.40 times 12 months = $6,112.80

So on a $999.00 investment, we have made a net gain of $5,113.80 ($6,112.80 minus our original investment of $999.00).

Not bad huh?

But look at this. Instead of investing $999.00, we add $1.00 more and invest $1,000.00. Not much difference between $999.00 and $1,000.00 right? Just $1.00. Now we are on table 2.

Table 2 – $1,000.00 – $4,999.00 Investment required.

With $1,000.00 invested instead of $999.00, we are now earning 2.5% ROI daily which amounts to $25.00 per day ($1,000.00 X 0.025 = $25.00).

After the 30-day “Arbitration Duration” period, we can withdraw $750.00 per month for the next 12 months.

$750.00 times 12 months equals $9,000.00.

So, by adding just $1.00 we have made a net gain of $8,000.00 ($9,000.00 minus our $1,000.00 investment).

To summarize, by investing $999.00 we have a net gain of $5,113.80. By adding just $1.00, our net gain is $8,000.00. So $1.00 earned us $2,886.20 with this foolishness. Is it realistic to think that $1.00 can earn us $2,886.20 in just one year?

Still not sure?

Let’s see the difference between Table 2 and Table 3.

Table 2 to Table 3 – $4,999.00 to $5,000.00 (2.5% to 3.3% Daily ROI)

$4,999.00 invested on Table 2 At 2.5% daily ROI would earn us $124.98 daily ($4,999.00 X 0.025 = $124.975)

After 30 days, we can withdraw $3,749.40 monthly (124.98 X 30 days = $3,749.00 per month) for the next 12 months.

After 12 months we would have earned $44,998.00 ($3,749.00 X 12 months = $44,998.00) with a net gain of $39,989.00 ($44,998.00 minus our initial investment of $4,999.00).

Now, instead of $4,999.00, we add just $1.00 more to our investment making it $5,000.00.

We are now on Table 3 earning 3.3% ROI Daily.

$5,000.00 X 0.033 = $165.00 per day.

After 30 days, we can withdraw $4,950.00 per month ($165.00 X 30 days =  for the next 12 months.

After 12 months we would have earned $59,400.00 ($4,950.00 X 12 months = $59,400.00) with a net gain of $54,400.00 ($59,400 minus our initial investment of $5,000.00).

By adding just $1.00, our net gains have gone from $39,989.00 $54,400. Can $1.00 really earn you $14, 411.00 in just 12 months? I don’t think so and you should think the same.

I’m not even going to try to explain Tables 4 and 5 below but you can play around with the numbers to see how ridiculous the Srexter business model is.

Oh, and yes, they also have an “Affiliate Program” to bring more sheep to the slaughter.

See the next section below.

Red flag number 4.

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The Srexter Investments Affiliate Program

The image links to Wealthy Affiliate.

Click on the image above to learn about the Innovator and Industry Leader in the Affiliate Marketing Space.

Srexter has a 3-tier Affiliate Program.

I like Affiliate Marketing and have been doing so since 2016. I am a proud member of the Wealthy Affiliate Community.

I do not like Binaries, MLM, or Unilevel structures. I have an exception though. With our current developments, in Blockchain and Smart Contract technology, if someone comes up with one of these structures without a “Company,” “Owners,” “Directors,” etc., I will consider it very seriously. More on this in another post.

If you join Srexter, you will be given a unique referral link only when you have made an investment. In my opinion, (pure) Affiliate Programs should not require a purchase in order to participate, but the purchase requirement at Srexter is mandatory.

With Srexter, it doesn’t matter how someone finds your link so long as they click on it and sign up to be a registered user. Once they have signed up using your personal affiliate link they become one of your referrals.

As soon as your 1st level referral starts investing, you start earning a commission.

You will receive a 5% reward for each amount they deposit. This is considered a tier-one referral.

Tier two is a 2% reward for every person that signs up under your referral becoming their referral.

They even offer a tier three reward of 1% for every referral that signs up under your referral’s referral.

Again, I say…”The Affiliate structure is a good one when done properly to promote legitimate products and services.”

“At Srexter, our goal is to reward you every step of the way and help you grow your wealth. There is no cap or end to those rewards for as long as any referral in any tier stays active and stays invested. Your commissions are received automatically and you can invest or withdraw them at any time. We want you to succeed in your investing goals and wealth creation and help all those that you come in contact with do the same thing. Let’s work together and change your future starting today.” – Source Srexter Website.

Although I am in favor of Affiliate Marketing, I do not like the purpose that Srexter is putting this tool to use i.e to solicit Investments only. For that reason, I am going to raise a “Yellow” flag.

Yellow flag number 1.

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Srexter Investments Testimonials

I have read and it is written somewhere that “Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor”

The testimonials on the Srekster website are in my opinion bogus and come from or go to another “mirror” investment site. called Index Digital Trade.


Here are images of the 3-only testimonials that are duplicated on both sites:

Do your homework people before you start handing over your hard-earned currencies to the “Bad Actors” that are predatory on the Internet.

Please note also that a comment (blog) section is not provided on this site for you to communicate back and forth. Only a “Robot” Chat, which means that there really are no real people on the other side.

Red flag number 5.

From Trustpilot Canada:


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Hi, Your Admin here on this site, Paul Mindra

Is Srexter Investments a Scam or a Dare? Well with 5 Red flags and 1 Yellow flag, I say that Srexter Investments is a Pure Scam, but if you “Dare” to try it, do so with your “Big-Boy” pants on.

Meaning, don’t cry after the fact and keep any finger-pointing directed back to you.

There are a few legitimate opportunities available online to better your presence in life. Unfortunately, they are not “Get Rich Quick.”

For those looking for “Quick” options, especially in the Cryptocurrency/Forex/Binary options markets I can only offer some guidance.

If you suspect that an individual or firm selling an investment or offering advice is not registered in their proper jurisdiction, stop dealing with them immediately. If someone who has approached you to invest tells you they are registered, check NRS and with the registered firm they say they represent.

National Registry Search (Canada)

Some Guidelines that you should consider:

  • Returns that are “too good to be true” probably are. Bad actors often try to hook people by guaranteeing extremely high returns in a short period of time with little or no risk.
  • Bad Actors who promote fraudulent schemes don’t want to give you any time to figure out their game. They may also pressure you to invest a little at first. Once you invest, they will then come back looking for a larger amount.
  • Bad Actors may offer to help you with your investment account or ask for remote access to your computer or mobile device. Giving out your account information to these Bad Actors, or allowing them to access your computer or mobile device is extremely risky. It could result in fraud and/or identity theft.
  • Be wary of investments that are promoted as exclusive offers only to you and select people, like wealthy insiders, have access to them. Bad Actors like to name-drop or say they have access to famous or rich people when promoting an investment.
  • If an investment advisor or individual says they are giving you “confidential” investment advice, they may actually be deceiving you or their employer. Both put you at risk. It is illegal to knowingly trade on inside information.
  • If a firm or individual from outside of Canada is trying to open an account for you, wants to give you trading or investment advice, or is offering you an investment, be extremely wary. Brokerage firms need to register with your province or territory as dealers or advisors in order to open trading accounts or recommend investments to you.
  • Anti-establishment – Any individual who encourages you to subvert the government or avoid financial institutions is most likely trying to keep their illegal activities from being tracked.
  • Cutting out the paper trail. Without documents for investment purchases, statements, or a prospectus (a formal document that explains the details of an investment and the risks involved), a Bad Actor can easily take your money without being detected.

If the person/company selling you the investment doesn’t answer your questions or they use diversionary tactics, they’re probably trying to keep you from seeing the truth. A legitimate investment has nothing to hide.

I trust that this review was helpful.

If you want to turn something on your mind into a passion, and then into a striving business, you need some guidance.

Click Here to Learn before you remove the “L.”

Kindest regards,

Paul Mindra.

Wealthy Affiliate ID 39CB2D34

AKA The Forensic Affiliate


Matt Ai

Matt AI

Paul Mindra at Wealthy Affiliate.

Click on the image above to view my home online.

As in all money markets, and anything classified as “investments” we, as those putting up our assets must be very careful as to where our assets end up. –


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Have you been a victim of fraudulent investment operations that pay out returns to investors from money paid in by subsequent investors, rather than from any actual profit earned from the operation of a business?

D9Clube – Arbitrage Sports Traders back in late 2016 early 2017.

The list goes on and on. What most of these programs have in common is that first and foremost they are Ponzi schemes and most importantly they control your funds. What that means, is that they can close up shop, leave you holding an empty bag and you will not have any recourse.

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Alt Coins Supported By Matt AI

At the time of writing within this new endeavor, Matt Ai has 43 coins that can be traded through the Binance or Huobi platform. I am giving you what is available through your Binance account.

Here are what is offered through Matt Ai and Binance.

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Click on the image above to visit the Litentry website.

LIT is a Decentralized identity authentication and user activity data management Infrastructure built on Substrate, Ready for Polkadot. Litentry is helping support change that is in favor of a user-centric network with the blockchain.
Litentry includes an identity-based network and features an identity matching and identity staking mechanism and as a whole, it consists of decentralized identity and user activity data management infrastructure. – Source Coin Market Cap. Read more Here.


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Ethereum Classic

Click on the image above to learn more about ETC

Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a hard fork of Ethereum (ETH) that launched in July 2016.

Its main function is as a smart contract network, with the ability to host and support decentralized applications (DApps). Its native token is ETC.

Ethereum Classic first set out to preserve the integrity of the existing Ethereum blockchain after a major hacking event led to the theft of 3.6 million ETH.

Ethereum Classic is in fact the legacy chain of Ethereum, and its true creators are therefore the original Ethereum developers — Vitalik Buterin and Gavin Wood.

contentious hard fork on Ethereum occurred in July 2016, when participants disagreed over whether to revert the blockchain to cancel out the effects of a major hack. This impacted The DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that had raised approximately $150 million in an initial coin offering (ICO) several months earlier. – Source Coin Market Cap. Read More Here.


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Polkadot Network.

Click on the image above to visit the Polkadot website.

Polkadot is an open-source sharding multichain protocol that facilitates the cross-chain transfer of any data or asset types, not just tokens, thereby making a wide range of blockchains interoperable with each other.

This interoperability seeks to establish a fully decentralized and private web, controlled by its users, and simplify the creation of new applications, institutions, and services.

The Polkadot protocol connects public and private chains, permissionless networks, oracles, and future technologies, allowing these independent blockchains to trustlessly share information and transactions through the Polkadot relay chain (explained further down).

Polkadot’s native DOT token serves three clear purposes: providing network governance and operations, and creating parachains (parallel chains) by bonding.

Polkadot has four core components:

Source Coin Market Cap. Read more here.


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The Tron Network.

Click on the image above to visit the Tron website.

TRON is a blockchain-based operating system that aims to ensure this technology is suitable for daily use. Whereas Bitcoin can handle up to six transactions per second, and Ethereum up to 25, TRON claims that its network has a capacity for 2,000 TPS — 24/7.

This project is best described as a decentralized platform focused on content sharing and entertainment — and to this end, one of its biggest acquisitions was the file-sharing service BitTorrent back in 2018.

Overall, TRON has divided its goals into six phases.

TRON has positioned itself as an environment where content creators can connect with their audiences directly. By eliminating centralized platforms — whether they are streaming services, app stores or music sites — it is hoped that creators won’t end up losing as much commission to middlemen. In turn, this could also make content less expensive for consumers. Read more here at Coin Market cap.


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Cardano.org website.

Click on the image above to visit the Cardano website.

Cardano is a proof-of-stake blockchain platform that says its goal is to allow “changemakers, innovators and visionaries” to bring about positive global change.

The open-source project also aims to “redistribute power from unaccountable structures to the margins to individuals” — helping to create a society that is more secure, transparent, and fair.

Cardano was founded back in 2017, and the ADA token is designed to ensure that owners can participate in the operation of the network. Because of this, those who hold the cryptocurrency have the right to vote on any proposed changes to the software.

The team behind the layered blockchain says that there have already been some compelling use cases for its technology, which aims to allow decentralized apps and smart contracts to be developed with modularity.

Cardano is used by agricultural companies to track fresh produce from field to fork, while other products built on the platform allow educational credentials to be stored in a tamper-proof way, and retailers to clamp down on counterfeit goods. Source Coin Market cap. Read more Here.


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Click on the image above to go to the Filecoin website.

Filecoin is a decentralized storage system that aims to “store humanity’s most important information.” The project raised $205 million in an initial coin offering (ICO) in 2017, and initially planned launch date for mid-2019. However, the launch date for the Filecoin mainnet was pushed back until block 148,888, which is expected in mid-October 2020.

The project was first described back in 2014 as an incentive layer for the Interplanetary File System (IPFS), a peer-to-peer storage network.

Filecoin is an open protocol and backed by a blockchain that records commitments made by the network’s participants, with transactions made using FIL, the blockchain’s native currency. The blockchain is based on both proof-of-replication and proof-of-spacetime.

Filecoin was founded by Juan Benet, who also created the Interplanetary File System. Benet is an American computer scientist who studied at Stanford University. After founding Protocol Labs in May 2014, he attended Y Combinator in the summer of 2014… –Source Coin Market Cap. Read more Here.


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Click on the image above to go to the BNB website.

Launched in July 2017, Binance is one of the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges globally. By aiming to bring cryptocurrency exchanges to the forefront of financial activity globally. The idea behind Binance’s name is to show this new paradigm in global finance — Binary Finance, or Binance.

Aside from being the largest cryptocurrency exchange globally, Binance has launched a whole ecosystem of functionalities for its users. The Binance network includes the Binance Chain, Academy, Trusted Wallet, and Research projects, which all employ the powers of blockchain technology to bring new-age finance to the world. Binance Coin is an integral part of the successful functioning of many of the Binance sub-projects.

Changpeng Zhao is the founder and CEO of Binance. In 2001, Zhao joined Bloomberg as head of trade book futures development. He spent four years with the company and later joined Fusion Systems as a partner.

Since 2013, Changpeng Zhao has been… – Source Coin Market Cap. Read more Here.


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Click on the image above to go to the AAVE website.

Aave is a decentralized finance protocol that allows people to lend and borrow crypto.

Lenders earn interest by depositing digital assets into specially created liquidity pools. Borrowers can then use their crypto as collateral to take out a flash loan using this liquidity.

Aave (which means “ghost” in Finnish) was originally known as ETHLend when it launched in November 2017, but the rebranding to Aave happened in September 2018. (This helps explain why this token’s ticker is so different from its name!)

AAVE provides holders with discounted fees on the platform, and it also serves as a governance token — giving owners a say in the future development of the protocol.

Aave, and its predecessor ETHLend, were founded by Stani Kulechov. At the time, he was frustrated at the lack of lending applications on Ethereum — and his project was built before decentralized finance even existed. – Source Coin Market Cap. Read more here.


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dogecoin.com website

Click on the image above to visit the DOGE website

Dogecoin (DOGE) is based on the popular “Doge” Internet meme and features a Shiba Inu on its logo. The open-source digital currency was created by Billy Markus from Portland, Oregon, and Jackson Palmer from Sydney, Australia, and was forked from Litecoin in December 2013.

Dogecoin’s creators envisaged it as a fun, light-hearted cryptocurrency that would have greater appeal beyond the core Bitcoin audience since it was based on a dog meme.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk posted several tweets on social media that Dogecoin is his favorite coin.

Guess what happened?

Dogecoin differs from Bitcoin’s proof-of-work protocol in several ways, one of which is by using Scrypt technology. The altcoin has also a block time of 1 minute, and the total supply is uncapped, which means that there is no limit to the number of Dogecoin that can be mined. You can mine Dogecoin either solo or by joining a mining pool.  – Read more here at Coin Market cap.


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horizen.io "ZEN"

Click on the image above to visit the Horizen website.

Horizen is an interoperable blockchain system, supported by a decentralized node infrastructure. Its sidechain platform focuses on scalable data privacy, and as such enables businesses as well as developers to build private or public blockchains using the unique sidechain technology known as Zendoo.

Horizen launched in May of 2017 and strives to ensure data integrity and privacy through enabling real-world use cases. Horizen claims to be completely decentralized, fully customizable with privacy features, and supports low costs associated with building blockchains with configurable revenue models and an unlimited number of tokens and digital assets.

The founders of Horizen are Robert Viglione and Rolf Versluis.The founders of Horizen are Robert Viglione and Rolf Versluis.

The founders of Horizen are Robert Viglione and Rolf Versluis.

Horizen uses a sidechain architecture that can open up a myriad of potential real-world use cases. This cross-chain transfer protocol allows for decentralized sidechains. These are separate blockchains that are pegged to the parent blockchain that can run simultaneously. Read more Here at Coin market Cap.


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Click on the image above to visit the REEF website.

REEF is a DeFi platform built on Polkadot that aims to deliver cross-chain trading. A yield engine and a smart liquidity aggregator are among the project’s offerings.

Work began on the project in the second half of 2020. Those behind Reef argue that the process of trading, lending, and staking crypto is currently fragmented — creating “a painful experience for all of its participants.”

Reef aggregates liquidity and provides automation. It also aims to address the drawbacks associated with existing trading platforms. While centralized exchanges are prone to security breaches, decentralized rivals can lack liquidity and are often difficult to use.

Reef was founded by Denko Mancheski. His motivation was to remove technical barriers to entry for retail investors who want to get involved with Defi — and offer a straightforward decision-making process that takes a user’s appetite for risk… Read more here at Coin Market Cap.


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Monero - XMR

Click on the image above to go to the monero website.

Monero was launched in 2014, and its goal is simple: to allow transactions to take place privately and with anonymity. Even though it’s commonly thought that BTC can conceal a person’s identity, it’s often easy to trace payments back to their original source because blockchains are transparent. On the other hand, XMR is designed to obscure senders and recipients alike through the use of advanced cryptography.

The team behind Monero says privacy and security are their biggest priorities, with ease of use and efficiency coming second. It aims to provide protection to all users — irrespective of how technologically competent they are.

Overall, XMR aims to allow payments to be made quickly and inexpensively without fear of censorship.

-Source, Coin market cap. Learn more Here.


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Click on the image above to visit the Contentos website.

The vision of Contentos is to build a “decentralized digital content community that allows content to be freely produced, distributed, rewarded, and traded while protecting author rights”. Contentos strives to incentivize content creation and global diversity and return the rights and value of content to users.

Contentos (COS) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Binance Chain platform.


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Academy at ivanotech blog.

Click on the image above to learn more about Chainlink.

Chainlink (LINK) is a decentralized oracle network that aims to connect smart contracts with data from the real world.

Chainlink was developed by Sergey Nazarov, with Steve Ellis as the other co-founder.

It held an ICO in September 2017, raising $32 million, with a total supply of 1 billion LINK tokens.

LINK, the cryptocurrency native to the Chainlink decentralized oracle network, is used to pay node operators. Since the Chainlink network has a reputation system, node providers that have a large amount of LINK can be rewarded with larger contracts, while a failure to deliver accurate information results in a deduction of tokens. Developers describe LINK as “an ERC20 token, with the additional ERC223 ‘transfer and call’ functionality of transfer (address, uint256, bytes), allowing tokens to be received and processed by contracts within a single transaction.” Following the 2017 $32 million LINK ICO, 32 percent of LINK tokens were sent to node operators to incentivize the ecosystem and 30 percent stayed within Chainlink for development (35 percent were sold in the public token sale).

What Are Oracles? Learn more Here.

Chainlink is a platform that aims to bridge the gap between blockchain technology-based smart contracts (made widespread by Ethereum), and real-world applications.


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Click on the image above for some predictions on GRT, The Graph.

What Is The Graph (GRT)?

The Graph is an indexing protocol for querying data for networks like Ethereum and IPFS, powering many applications in both DeFi and the broader Web3 ecosystem. Anyone can build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, that applications can query using GraphQL to retrieve blockchain data. There is a hosted service in production that makes it easy for developers to get started building on The Graph and the decentralized network will be launching later this year. The Graph currently supports indexing data from Ethereum, IPFS, and POA, with more networks coming soon.

To date, over 3,000 subgraphs have been deployed by thousands of developers, for DApps like Uniswap, Synthetix, Aragon, AAVE, Gnosis, Balancer, Livepeer, DAOstack, Decentraland, and many others. The Graph usage has been growing at over 50% MoM and hit over 7 billion queries during the month of September 2020.

The Graph has a global community, including over 200 Indexer Nodes in the testnet and more than 2,000 Curators in the Curator Program as of October 2020. To fund network development, The Graph raised funds from…Read more Here from Coin Market Cap.


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ZCASH & Forbes

Zcash is a decentralized cryptocurrency focused on privacy and anonymity. It uses the zk-SNARK zero-knowledge proof technology that allows nodes on the network to verify transactions without revealing any sensitive information about those transactions.

Contrary to a common misunderstanding, the majority of cryptocurrencies on the market, including Bitcoin (BTC), are not anonymous, but rather pseudonymous; while they do not explicitly reveal the identities of their users, each user has their own public address or addresses which can be traced back to them via the methods of data science and blockchain forensics.

Zcash transactions, on the other hand, still have to be relayed via a public blockchain, but unlike pseudonymous cryptocurrencies, ZEC transactions by default do not reveal the sending and receiving addresses or the amount being sent. There is an option, however, to reveal this data for the purposes of auditing or regulatory compliance.

Zcash was first released on October 28, 2016, and it was originally based on Bitcoin’s codebase.


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Click on the image above to visit the Swipe website

Swipe is a platform that looks to form a bridge between the fiat and cryptocurrency worlds with its three main existing products: the Swipe multi-asset mobile wallet, the Swipe cryptocurrency-funded debit card and the Swipe Token (SXP).

The Swipe wallet acts as the main access point to the Swipe ecosystem and can be used to store and manage a wide variety of assets — including both cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. The wallet can also be used to manage Swipe’s second product — the Swipe debit card. This debit allows users to spend their cryptocurrencies at Visa payment terminals and comes in a variety of flavors, each of which offer increasing perks and benefits.

This ecosystem is powered by the Swipe Token (SXP), which functions as the fuel for the Swipe Network, and is used for paying … Learn more here at Coin Market Cap.


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Click on the image above to visit the SUSHI website.

SushiSwap (SUSHI) is an example of an automated market maker (AMM). An increasingly popular tool among cryptocurrency users, AMMs are decentralized exchanges which use smart contracts to create markets for any given pair of tokens.

SushiSwap launched in September 2020 as a fork of Uniswap, the AMM which has become synonymous with the decentralized finance (DeFi) movement and associated trading boom in Defi tokens.

SushiSwap aims to diversify the AMM market and also add additional features not previously present on Uniswap, such as increased rewards for network participants via its in-house token, SUSHI.

SushiSwap was founded by the pseudonymous entity known only as … Read more here at Coin Market Cap.


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Cake-Pancake source code.

Click on the image above to check out the Pancake source code.

PancakeSwap is an automated market maker (AMM) — a decentralized finance application that allows users to exchange tokens, providing liquidity via farming and earning fees in return.

It launched in September 2020 and is a decentralized exchange for swapping BEP20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain. PancakeSwap uses an automated market maker model where users trade against a liquidity pool. These pools are filled by users who deposit their funds into the pool and receive liquidity provider (LP) tokens in return.

These tokens can later be used to reclaim their share of the pool, as well as a portion of the trading fees.

Learn more about CAKE here.


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ethereum.org website.

Click on the image above to visit the Ethereum website.

Ethereum is a decentralized open-source blockchain system that features its own cryptocurrency, Ether. ETH works as a platform for numerous other cryptocurrencies, as well as for the execution of decentralized smart contracts.

Ethereum was first described in a 2013 whitepaper by Vitalik Buterin. Buterin, along with other co-founders, secured funding for the project in an online public crowd sale in the summer of 2014 and officially launched the blockchain on July 30, 2015.

Ethereum’s own purported goal is to become a global platform for decentralized applications, allowing users from all over the world to write and run software that is resistant to censorship, downtime, and fraud.

Ethereum has a total of eight co-founders — an unusually large number for a crypto project. They first met on June 7, 2014, in Zug, Switzerland.


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Bitcoin’s most unique advantage comes from the fact that it was the very first cryptocurrency to appear on the market.

It has managed to create a global community and give birth to an entirely new industry of millions of enthusiasts who create, invest in, trade, and use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in their everyday lives. The emergence of the first cryptocurrency has created a conceptual and technological basis that subsequently inspired the development of thousands of competing projects.
In my opinion, if you want the real labor bitcoin and blockchain you need to the first source from the source. My suggestion is here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andreas_Antonopoulos.

Bitcoin’s most unique advantage comes from the fact that it was the very first cryptocurrency to appear on the market.

It has managed to create a global community and give birth to an entirely new industry of millions of enthusiasts who create, invest in, trade, and use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in their everyday lives. The emergence of the first cryptocurrency has created a conceptual and technological basis that subsequently inspired the development of thousands of competing projects. –Read more Here.


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OMG website. https://omg.network/

Click on the image above to go to the OMG website.

OMG Network, formerly known as OmiseGo, is a non-custodial, layer-2 scaling solution built for the Ethereum blockchain. As an Ethereum scaling solution, OMG Network is designed to allow users to transfer ETH and ERC20 tokens significantly faster and cheaper than when transacting directly on the Ethereum network.

The network is based on a novel scaling solution called MoreViable Plasma, which uses a sidechain architecture to group several transactions off-chain into a batch, which can then be verified as a single transaction on the Ethereum root chain. According to OMG Network, this technology has the potential to scale Ethereum to thousands of transactions per second (TPS) — instead of the 10 to 14 tps Ethereum 1.0 is currently capable of.

The network is powered by the OMG utility token, which can be used as one of the payment methods for fees on the OMG Network, and will eventually be stackable — helping to secure the network in return for rewards.  Learn more here at Coin Market Cap.


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IOTA is a distributed ledger with one big difference: it isn’t actually a blockchain. Instead, its proprietary technology is known as Tangle, a system of nodes that confirm transactions. The foundation behind this platform says this offers far greater speeds than conventional blockchains — and an ideal footprint for the ever-expanding Internet of Things ecosystem.

Because there’s no blockchain, there are no miners, and because there are no miners, there are no fees. Many established networks see costs balloon when congestion intensifies, but IOTA aims to provide limitless throughput at minimal expense.

In time, IOTA’s goal is to become the de-facto platform for executing transactions between IoT devices. Given how estimates suggest there could be 20.4 billion such devices out there by 2024, this could end up being big business.

The team behind IOTA believes that the potential use cases don’t end here. They believe their distributed ledger could deliver digital identities to all, result in car insurance policies that are based on …Read more Here.


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EOS.io website.

Click on the image to visit the EOS website.

EOS is a platform that’s designed to allow developers to build decentralized apps (otherwise known as DApps for short.)

The project’s goal is relatively simple: to make it as straightforward as possible for programmers to embrace blockchain technology — and ensure that the network is easier to use than rivals. As a result, tools and a range of educational resources are provided to support developers who want to build functional apps quickly.

Other priorities include delivering greater levels of scalability than other blockchains, some of which can only handle less than a dozen transactions per second.

EOS also aims to improve the experience for users and businesses. While the project tries to deliver greater security and less friction for consumers, it also vies to unlock flexibility and compliance for enterprises.

The blockchain launched back in June 2018.

Learn More Here At Coin Market Cap.


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Visit dash.org

Click on the image above to visit the Dash website.

Dash is an open-source blockchain and cryptocurrency focused on offering a fast, cheap global payments network that is decentralized in nature. According to the project’s white paper, Dash seeks to improve upon Bitcoin (BTC) by providing stronger privacy and faster transactions.

Dash, whose name comes from “digital cash,” was launched in January 2014 as a fork of Litecoin (LTC). Since going live, Dash has grown to include features such as a two-tier network with incentivized nodes, including “masternodes,” and decentralized project governance; InstantSend, which allows for instantly settled payments; ChainLocks, which makes the Dash blockchain instantly immutable; and PrivateSend, which offers additional optional privacy for transactions.

Learn more here at coinmarket cap.


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Binance launchpool unveils new project - BTCST.

Click on the image above to read the full story behind BTCST at Binance.

The Bitcoin Standard Hashrate Token (BTCST) was launched on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) on Dec. 13, 2020. It is collateralized by Bitcoin’s (BTChashrate, with each token representing 0.1 TH/s of Bitcoin mining power at an efficiency of 60 W/TH. As such, miners contribute their computational power to the platform in exchange for newly minted BTCST tokens.

BTCST’s goal is to bridge liquidity to Bitcoin’s mining market. This will allow users to get exposure to mining rewards and hash power of any size, at a low cost. The ultimate goal of the app is to increase the liquidity and efficiency of mining power markets.

Learn More here at Coinmarket Cap.


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Zilliqa Price Prediction.

Will ZIL hit $1 in 2021. Click on the image above to learn more.

Zilliqa is a public, permissionless blockchain that is designed to offer high throughput with the ability to complete thousands of transactions per second.

It seeks to solve the issue of blockchain scalability and speed by employing sharding as a second-layer scaling solution. The platform is home to many decentralized applications, and as of October 2020, it also allows for staking and yield farming.

Development work officially started on Zilliqa in June 2017, and its testnet went live in March 2018. A little over a year later, in June 2019, the platform launched its mainnet.

The native utility token of Zilliqa, ZIL, is used to process transactions on the network and execute smart contracts.

Learn more about ZIL here at Coinmarket Cap.


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Bitcoin Cash Vs Bitcoin

Bitcoin Cash or Bitcoin. Which one should you choose?

Bitcoin Cash is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system that aims to become sound global money with fast payments, micro fees, privacy, and high transaction capacity (big blocks). In the same way that physical money, such as a dollar bill, is handed directly to the person being paid, Bitcoin Cash payments are sent directly from one person to another.

As a permissionless, decentralized cryptocurrency, Bitcoin Cash requires no trusted third parties and no central bank. Unlike traditional fiat money, Bitcoin Cash does not depend on monetary middlemen such as banks and payment processors. Transactions cannot be censored by governments or other centralized corporations. Similarly, funds cannot be seized or frozen — because financial third parties have no control over the Bitcoin Cash network.

Learn more here at Coinmarket Cap.


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Click on the image above to visit the IOST website.

IOST describes itself as an “ultra-fast,” fully fledged and decentralizedblockchainnetwork and ecosystem with its own nodes, wallets and based on the “next-generation” consensus protocol dubbed “proof-of-believability.”

The project was launched in January 2018 by Jimmy Zhong, Terrence Wang, Justin Li, Ray Xiao, Sa Wang and Kevin Tan.

Zhong has founded other tech startups in the U.S. and China. During his university days, he sold his first company for $40 million — a marketplace where students could exchange class notes. After that, he returned to Beijing and co-founded IOST, among other projects.

Learn more here at Coinmarket cap.


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How High or low will the ATOM coin go?

Clico the image above to learn about ATOM at Investor Place dot com.

In a nutshell, Cosmos bills itself as a project that solves some of the “hardest problems” facing the blockchain industry. It aims to offer an antidote to “slow, expensive, unscalable and environmentally harmful” proof-of-work protocols, like those used by Bitcoin, by offering an ecosystem of connected blockchains.

The project’s other goals include making blockchain technology less complex and difficult for developers thanks to a modular framework that demystifies decentralized apps. Last but not least, an Interblockchain Communication protocol makes it easier for blockchain networks to communicate with each other — preventing fragmentation in the industry.

Read more here at Coinmarket Cap.


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Click on the image above to learn how to buy RSR.

Reserve Rights is a dual-token stablecoin platform that was launched in May 2019 following a successful initial exchange offering (IEO) on the Huobi Prime platform.

Reserve Rights’ dual token setup includes a stablecoin known as the Reserve stablecoin (RSV) — which is backed by a basket of assets managed by smart contracts. The second token is the Reserve Rights token (RSR), which is used to keep the RSV stable at its $1.00 price target through a system of arbitrage opportunities.

Unlike RSV, the Reserve Rights (RSR) token is volatile, and its main purpose is to help maintain the stability of RSV. It can also be used to vote on governance proposals — helping holders shape the future of the Reserve Rights ecosystem.

In the later stages of the project, Reserve Rights plans to back the Reserve stablecoin by an increasingly diverse basket of assets, and eventually move it away from the U.S. dollar peg — instead creating an alternative reserve asset where RSV tokens instead represent fractional ownership of the collateral pool.

Learn more about RSR at Coinmarket Cap.


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What is the difference between YFI, YFII, YFV and YFL?

Click on the image above to learn the difference between YFI, YFII, YFV, and YFL.

DFI.MONEY, also known as YFII, is a fork of popular decentralized finance (DeFi) aggregator platform yearn.finance (YFI).

Launched in July 2020, it aims to optimize returns for DeFi investors while adhering to changes proposed in an upgrade plan called YIP-8.

In addition to protocol changes, DFI.MONEY has also released new products, chief among which, the Vault, it describes as its “killer product.”

The native token of DFI.MONEY is YFII, a fixed-supply token that liquidity providers earn in accordance with their network interaction.

Learn more about YFII here at Coinmarket Cap.


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Learn about 1 inch at morioh.com

Click on the image above to learn more about 1 inch.

1inch is a decentralized exchange (DEXDEX aggregator, connecting several DEXes into one platform to allow its users to find the most efficient swapping routes across all platforms. In order for a user to find the best price for a swap, they need to look at every exchange — DEX aggregators eliminate the need for manually checking, bringing efficiency to swapping on DEXs.

DEX aggregators work by sourcing liquidity from different DExs, meaning that they are able to offer users better token swap rates than they could find on any single DEX, in the shortest time possible.

1inch launched in August 2020 after a $2.8 million funding raise from Binance Labs, Galaxy Digital, Greenfield One, Libertus Capital, Dragonfly Capital, FTX, IOSG, LAUNCHub Ventures, and Divergence Ventures.

Learn more about 1 Inch here at Coinmarket Cap.


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A complete guide to FYI Token

Click on the image above for a complete guide to FYI Token

Yearn finance is an aggregator service for decentralized finance (DeFi) investors, using automation to allow them to maximize profits from yield farming.

Its goal is to simplify the ever-expanding DeFi space for investors who are not technically minded or who wish to interact in a less committal manner than serious traders.

Launched in February 2020, the service, formerly known as iEarn, has seen huge growth in recent months as new products debuted and developers released in-house token YFI.

Learn more about YFI here at Coinmarket Cap.


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Xem (NEM)

Learn about XEM (NEM) at Coinbeureaux dot com.

Click on the image above to learn all about XEM (NEM)

NEM is an acronym for New Economy Movement, a blockchain platform that was built from the ground up. The actual cryptocurrency trades with the symbol XEM and was designed as an enterprise solution for the upcoming blockchain revolution and global economy.

XEM is the native cryptocurrency of NEM’s (New Economy Movement’s) NIS1 public blockchain.

NIS1 operates in a similar way to Bitcoin (BTC):

It has a network of distributed independent nodes that process and record transactions on a public ledger called “blockchain.” These nodes are incentivized to contribute their time and computing resources and remain incorruptible via transaction fee rewards; these rewards are paid out in XEM coins to each node that manages to add a new block of transactions to the end of the blockchain.

However, NIS1’s blockchain has a number of unique features that set it apart from Bitcoin and most other cryptocurrencies.

Learn more about XEM (NEM) here at Coinmarket Cap.


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Learn about NEO at Investopedia dot com.

Click on the image above to learn why NEO can do what not other cryptocurrency can do.

Neo bills itself as a “rapidly growing and developing” ecosystem that has the goal of becoming the foundation for the next generation of the internet — a new economy where digitized payments, identities, and assets come together.

Initially known as Antshares, this project was believed to be China’s first-ever public blockchain when it was launched in February 2014. The open-source platform subsequently rebranded to Neo three years later.

As well as creating a worldwide community of developers who create new infrastructure for the network and lower barriers to entry, the team behind this project operates an EcoBoost initiative that’s designed to encourage people to build decentralized apps and smart contracts on its blockchain.

Learn more about NEO here at Coinmarket Cap.


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Everything you need to know about Kava from securities.io

Click on the image above to learn more about KAVA from “Securities.IO).

Kava is a cross-chain Defi lending platform that allows users to borrow USDX stablecoins and deposit a variety of cryptocurrencies to begin earning a yield.

The Kava Defi hub operates as a decentralized bank for digital assets, allowing users to access a range of decentralized financial services, including its native USD-pegged stablecoin USDX, as well as synthetics and derivatives. Through Kava, users are able to borrow USDX tokens by depositing collateral, effectively leveraging their exposure to crypto-assets.

Built on the Cosmos blockchain, Kava makes use of a collateralized debt position (CDP) system to ensure stablecoin loans are always sufficiently collateralized. If a borrower fails to maintain their collateral above a required threshold, the Kava liquidator module will seize collateral from failing CDPs and send it to the auction module for sale.

Learn more about Kava here at Coinmarket Cap.


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XTZ explained on Youtube.

Click on the image above to watch a video that explains XTZ.

Tezos is a blockchain network that’s based on smart contracts, in a way that’s not too dissimilar to Ethereum. However, there’s a big difference: Tezos aims to offer infrastructure that is more advanced — meaning it can evolve and improve over time without there ever being a danger of a hard fork. This is something that both Bitcoin and Ethereum have suffered since they were created. People who hold XTZ can vote on proposals for protocol upgrades that have been put forward by Tezos developers.

This open-source platform bills itself as “secure, upgradable and built to last” — and says…

Read more about XTZ here at Coinmarket Cap.


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XRP Price Predictions 2021 and further.

Click on the image above for predictions on XRP.

What Is XRP?

To begin with, it’s important to understand the difference between XRP, Ripple, and RippleNet. XRP is the currency that runs on a digital payment platform called RippleNet, which is on top of a distributed ledger database called XRP Ledger. While RippleNet is run by a company called Ripple, the XRP Ledger is open-source and is not based on blockchain, but rather the previously mentioned distributed ledger database.

The RippleNet payment platform is a real-time gross settlement (RTGS) system that aims to enable instant monetary transactions globally. While XRP is the cryptocurrency native to the XRP Ledger, you can actually use any currency to transact on the platform.

Learn more about XRP here at Coinmarket Cap.

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Watch the intro video below.

More Information On Fitcoin (FIT)

The Image links to Google Search.

Image Courtesy of https://www.dreamstime.com/

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Image links to Atomic Wallet dot IO

Click on the image above to learn more about UNI at Atomic Wallet.IO

UNI is an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain that offers control over the Uniswap protocol’s governance.

Uniswap is a popular decentralized trading protocol, known for its role in facilitating automated trading of decentralized finance (Defi) tokens.

An example of an automated market maker (AMM), Uniswap launched in November 2018 but has gained considerable popularity this year thanks to the Defi phenomenon and associated surge in token trading.

Uniswap aims to keep token trading automated and completely open to anyone who holds tokens while improving the efficiency of trading versus that on traditional exchanges.

Uniswap creates more efficiency by solving liquidity issues with automated solutions, avoiding the problems which plagued the first decentralized exchanges.

Learn more about UNI here at Coinmarket Cap.


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What Is Litecoin - cmc markets

Click on the image above to find out what LTC is.

Litecoin (LTC) is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that was set up by Charlie Lee (a former Google employee) in 2011. It shares many similarities with bitcoin and is based on bitcoin’s original source code.

Although the cryptocurrency was created based on the Bitcoin (BTC) protocol, it differs in terms of the hashing algorithm used, hard cap, block transaction times, and a few other factors. Litecoin has a block time of just 2.5 minutes and extremely low transaction fees, making it suitable for micro-transactions and point-of-sale payments.

Litecoin was released via an open-source client on GitHub on Oct. 7, 2011, and the Litecoin Network went live five days later on Oct. 13, 2011. Since then, it has exploded in both usage and acceptance among merchants and has counted among the top ten cryptocurrencies by market capitalization for most of its existence.

Learn more about LTC here at Coinmarket Cap.


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Click on the image above for a beginner’s guide to THETA.

Imagine that you are watching a video of high quality which is obviously occupying the larger bandwidth. And you are facing the problem of buffering in between, no matter how hard the content delivery networks are trying to smoothly stream the video. Being the centralized content network, you are not the one who is suffering from buffering but many others are also facing this problem. Don’t you think, something needs to be done for a better experience?

Theta (THETA) is a blockchain-powered network purpose-built for video streaming. Launched in March 2019, the Theta mainnet operates as a decentralized network in which users share bandwidth and computing resources on a peer-to-peer (P2P) basis. The project is advised by Steve Chen, co-founder of YouTube, and Justin Kan, co-founder of Twitch.

Learn more about THETA here at Coinmarket Cap.


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Matt AI Setup

Setting up Matt Ai is not that difficult if you follow the following videos below step by step.

You will be asked for an invitation code during the registration process.
Your invitation code is:

Watch the Step 1 video below first and then copy and paste the above link when registering.

Step 1

Create a Matt Ai account using your sponsor’s referral link

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Step 2

Setup payment password in Matt Ai for purchases

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Step 3

Create Binance or Huobi exchange account

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Step 4

Fund your Binance or Huobi account

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Step 5

Set up API keys with Matt Ai and Exchange

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Step 6

Purchase the Matt Ai bot and activate

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Step 7

Choose coins and set parameters in Matt Ai

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Step 8

Watch Matt Ai user interface navigation video

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to join Matt Ai?

  • Matt Ai charges a yearly license fee of $150US. The amount that you want to trade with is entirely up to you. The recommended amount is $1000US. Many people have started trading with accounts starting at $500US.

What exchange accounts does Matt Ai support?

  • Matt Ai supports Binance.com and Huobi.com. These are the two largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. In the near future, there will be more exchanges added to the Matt Ai platform.

How safe is my investment?

  • All of your funds remain in your exchange account. Matt Ai only trades for you based on the parameters that you set. You can withdraw your funds at any time in your exchange. Matt Ai does not have access to your funds.

How do I start?

  • Go to the link here and follow the directions using the following invitation code:  https://www.mtai.vip/static/h5/app/index.html#/pages/register/register?u=48uvsj

What if I do not have experience in trading or cryptocurrency?

  • Matt Ai is an automated trading bot. Once you have completed your setup, you don’t have to adjust the bot again. You can set it and forget it. No experience in trading or the crypto market is necessary to be part of the Matt Ai platform.

What if I need help or support in any way?

  • The community of traders in the Matt Ai platform is dedicated to helping one another succeed. You can reach out to any of the leaders in the private telegram group. You can also join all the training and webinars that are available every day of the week. See the training schedule below.

Does Matt Ai support all browsers?

  • No. Matt Ai was originally designed to support all the mobile phones in China. As they are now expanding into the US and Canada, there are still some compatibility issues with certain browsers. The Chrome browser has not proven to be a compatible browser as of yet. Please choose Opera, Edge, or Firefox on your PC. Choose Opera, Samsung Internet, Safari, or Firefox on your mobile.
  • Note I use Microsoft “Edge” on my PC and recommend that you do the same.

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Matt AI Training and Webinars

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Bitlocity Pre-Launch

BitLocity Pre-Launch

The image links to Wealthy Affiliate.

Click on the image above to view my profile at Wealthy Affiliate.

Have you heard of Bitlocity?  If you haven’t then you soon will. It is currently in Pre-Launch and what you can do is reserve your seat before launch without any cost or obligation for when the official launch occurs in late January to February 2021.


My name is Paul Mindra and I’ll be your host and guide here on this website, Scam Or Dare.

Before I get started with the Bitlocity Pre-launch I would like to give you full disclosure of my efforts on-line.

I have been online in the Internet Marketing Industry since 2016 and I promote amongst other things an open education platform that teaches people how to make money consistently online selling or promoting other peoples products and services. My home online is Wealthy Affiliate University.

Wealthy Affiliate is actually not a credited university, but I like to call it such because of what I am learning there and of what others are learning also.

They teach us how to build websites and create original content to drive organic traffic through SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

It’s a great choice for those that want to own ‘Real Estate’ online.

You can view my Wealthy Affiliate profile here.

In compliance with the FTC guidelines, anytime I direct you with a link that makes me money, I will let you know first hand through a disclosure alert.

Read My Full Disclaimer Here.

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Reserve Your Seat Now!

BitLocity Pre-Launch

Image links to the BitLocity Pre-Launch page.

Click on the image above to reserve your seat for The BitLocity Launch

Let me tell you a story about someone that is going to tell you a story.

His name is Brian.

Brian has been in the ‘home-based business’ arena for over 25 years.

He started as a very successful field representative hitting the top position in several companies and his knowledge of the industry made him a sought after commodity as a trainer, an industry consultant and a corporate executive. I’ll direct you to one of his webinars addressing the Bitlocity Pre-Launch further down on this post.

In this capacity as a specialist, he has helped companies build massive distribution networks throughout North, Central and South America, Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

He has personally coached many six and seven-figure industry superstars that we all might know and admire and he is very accomplished in his areas of expertise.

Reserve Your Free Seat Here During The Pre-Launch.

Read BitLocity Reviews Here (Coming Soon)

Brian’s Take

Image links to the BitLocity Free Registration Page

Click on the image above to reserve your free seat for the prelaunch.

“Hi, my name is Brian and I’ll tell you something…

We’re in the middle right now of this incredible period in the Genesis of BitLocity.

We’re developing all the behind the scene things that we’re gonna need to make this the most impactful opportunity and the most impactful platform that we’ve ever been affiliated with or associated with, in our lives.

I know that a lot of people say that about all opportunities starting out but I think that as you start really going through and looking at what BitLocity has already, you’re going to understand that it is nothing compared to what BitLocity will have when we launch….”

Watch The Intro Video Below. BitLocity Digital Age.

BitLocity Video Run Time – 2:00

“…After we launch, we’re going to keep building on this platform and keep giving you more and more value, and more and more content to make sure that we are constantly staying ahead of the curve.

I know some of you have seen some of our videos already. But if you haven’t, watch the one below to get a better idea….”

Reserve Your Free Seat Here During The Pre-Launch.

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Earn Bitcoin Fast And Easy With BitLocity.

BitLocity – The Perfect Compensation Plan?

Video Run Time: 6:45

“What if you can design the ‘Perfect Compensation Plan?’…

…A compensation plan that did one thing extremely well. What would that one thing be?

Maybe something for the little guy?

Just imagine showing someone who’s not great at recruiting how they could still earn an endless stream of perpetual profits or maybe you can do something for the masses like creating a system where they could take a small amount of money and by using leverage turn it into an absolute fortune fast.

Or you can do something for the leaders.

Something that would attract the best team builders in the world by creating a way where they could not just profit from their own efforts but profit from the efforts of everyone in the company.

BitLocity offers 14 different packages that you can purchase that start at just $25.00 USD in Bitcoin and go all the way up to $100,00.00 USD in Bitcoin. The idea in this model for those that like to build is to work your way up the scales and have your teams do the same by following you.”

The image links to the Bitlocity pre-launch page.

Click on the image above to reserve your seat in the worldwide pre-launch.

The first two packages $25.00 and $50.00 fall under the “Infinity Line” portion of the BitLocity Compensation Plan and are designed for the ‘little guy’ that is not into recruiting.

Reserve Your Free Seat Here During The Pre-Launch.

[Please note that there is a $25.00 USD annual fee to participate in the BitLocity Compensation Plan]

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The Infinity Line

Image links to the BitLocity Pre-Launch

Click on the image above to reserve your seat for the BitLocity Pre-Launch.

The infinity line is a straight line consisting of every single person who joins the Bitlocity community across the entire world.

You purchase the twenty-five dollar package and are placed in the line with an exact timestamp of your completed purchase. Someone on the other side of the world might join one second after you.

They are placed directly behind you in the line and that process goes on and on.

You receive a payment of $25.00 in Bitcoin directly from the two people behind you. One of the payments will be sent directly to your bitcoin wallet as profit. The other payment will buy you a new position at the back of the line.

As the line continues to grow and as more people continue to cycle around back behind you, the process can happen again and again allowing you to earn $25.00 USD in Bitcoin over and over again.

The same thing happens on the $50.00 level. This can occur an infinite number of times even if you have never recruited anyone.

It does not matter who sponsored you, recruited you or told you about it. This is one global seamless line that will allow everybody to basically capitalize off of all of the growth that is going on globally everywhere in the world.

Reserve Your Free Seat Here During The BitLocity Pre-Launch.

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The Dual-Sided Maximum Leverage Plan

Image links to the Bitlocity pre-launch reservation page.

Click on the image above to reserve your seat during the Bitlocity pre-launch.

Starting at the $75.00 package and going all the way up to the $100,000.00 level, you now get to participate in the dual-sided maximum leverage portion of the BitLocity Compensation Plan.

On the left side is the high powered Unilevel where everyone you personally refer takes the next available frontline position once they upgrade to the $75.00 level or above.

The Unilevel will start to be flooded with Bitcoin. All of the payments from all of the people on your front line are yours to keep and are instantly sent to your bitcoin wallet. This is regardless of how big the payments are and of what level you are at the time.

The only exception will be the payments from your 3rd and 10th personal referrals. Those payments (not the people) pass up to your personal sponsor. This is an awesome feature. This means that the 3rd and 10th referrals of all your people will be passing up all of their Unilevel payments to you.

On the right side is the Bitlocity 1 X 3 – speed matrix with your position at the top and 3 open positions directly underneath it. The first payment to enter the matrix is $100.00 and is sent to your bitcoin wallets

The second payment is also $100.00 and is yours and sent directly to your bitcoin wallet.

The third payment goes up to your personal sponsor and will cycle you thereby opening up a brand new matrix for you under your sponsor. This can happen again and again creating an endless stream of bitcoin flowing into your wallet.

The best part is that every time you upgrade to a package of $75.00 or higher, you open up a brand new speed matrix at that level so eventually, you could have multiple different matrices all operating at the same time sending bitcoin payments to your wallet.

So how does BitLocity send the payments from your referrals into your dual-sided Compensation Plan?

It’s simple. Every upgrade of $75.00 or higher from your referrals will go through the same exact process.

The Bitlocity system will deduct a $10.00 ‘profit & promotion’ fee from the upgrade account (more on that in a minute). The remainder will be instantly split 50/50 with half being sent into your Unilevel and the other half being sent to your appropriate speed matrix.

For example:

Let’s say that you have purchased all the packages up to the $1,000.00 level and now one of your personal referrals upgrades to the $1,000.00 level as well.

The ‘profit and promotion’ fee of $10.00 will be deducted right away. The remaining $990.00 is split evenly with $495.00 going to your Unilevel and $495.00 in bitcoin will be sent to your $1,000.00 speed matrix.

Both sides of the compensation plan are working simultaneously and perpetually 24 hours a day, 7 days per week depositing bitcoin into your wallet over and over again.

This not only provides you with profit, but it also provides the capital to buy up higher pack levels so you can benefit from higher-level matrix payments as your referrals continue to upgrade.

Reserve Your Free Seat Here For BitLocity.

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Profit & Promotion Fee

Image links to the Bitlocity Pre-Launch page.

Click on the image above to secure your seat during the pre-launch.

Now, about that $10.00 ‘Profit and Promotion’ fee.

Here at BitLocity, we wanted to guarantee two things.

First, we wanted to make sure the company is profitable enough to last for generations providing the greatest economic engine that has ever existed in this space.

Second, we wanted the number one ‘Leadership Attraction’ feature in the entire crypto universe so $5.00 of that fee will go into our ‘monthly top recruiter pool.’

Think about that for a second.

$5.00 for every upgrade of $75.00 and above from every BitLocity member in the entire world with no cap. That means it could eventually be thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars of bitcoin being split by the top 10 recruiters for that month.

The best part is that each month starts a whole new qualification, so new leaders will always have the opportunity to qualify and consistent leaders that are ‘crushing’ it could have a chance to participate multiple times.

So there you have it:

  • The ‘Global Infinity Line’ for the little guy;
  • The ‘Dual-Sided’ wealth-creation machine for the masses; and
  • A way to attract and reward the best leaders on the planet.

There has never been a compensation plan like this in history and there will never be a success story like the one that Bitlocity is about to create.

BitLocity intends to create more bitcoin millionaires than any other project and they intend to do it fast.

So let me ask you…” are you ready to build a potential fortune? Are you ready to participate in the best Bitcoin accumulation model that has ever existed? Then welcome to BitLocity. Prepare to finally move at the speed of success.”

BitLocity Pre-Launch. Reserve Your Free Seat Here.

If you need a more detailed explanation of what Brian is talking about, watch the BitLocity Webinar below:

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Webinar Overview (Replay)

Video Run Time: 41:23

The First Peer To Peer Crypto Rewards Program Is Launching Soon! Learn & Earn from the fast-rising value of Bitcoin with “No Recruiting Required”.

In the video, Brian says:

Brian says:

“…Forecasters out there are actually forecasting that the blockchain technology and all the different things it’s going to reach in internet security, healthcare, pharmaceutical industry etc., is going to add 1.76 trillion dollars over the next decade and as a result of that happening (1.76 trillion added – not replaced), there is about to be a wave of wealth that’s going to run around this globe like nothing before in history….”

“…BitLocity was developed by a group of heart-centric entrepreneurs that were concerned that most people would not be in a position to capitalize on that coming tsunami of wealth and as a result, those entrepreneurs got together with some really talented developers and they basically put together Bitlocity which is a platform that offers two powerful and critical pieces:

A world-class educational platform that’s going to prepare our community to recognize and understand these future blockchain opportunities before the masses and the premier peer-to-peer crowdfunding platform which by the way is probably why most people are here.” – Brian

Reserve Your BitLocity Seat Here During The Pre-Launch.

Once you register, you will receive a verification email. After verification, you can then login to your back office to get your own referral link.

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What You Need To Do To Be Prepared For The Launch

Prior to the launch, you need to have the following in place:

  1. You need to be registered;


and you will see the following below.

  • Create a username (write it down) – for example, mine is my last name “mindra”
  • Enter a ‘real and valid’ email (that is how you will be contacted)
  • Enter Your first and last name
  • Enter your phone number
  • Create a Password (write it down)
  • Confirm your password


Only one account per person per IP Address. Once you register, you will have access to a temporary back office. From there you should join the BitLocity Telegram (desktop and mobile app) for updates and webinar schedules.

Only one account per person per IP Address. Once you register, join the BitLocity Telegram Group for updates and webinar schedule using the link provided there.

This is important as future Bitlocity information will be served through this medium. Learn more about Telegram Here.

2. You will need a Bitcoin Wallet. If you do not already have a Bitcoin wallet, you will need to get one. I use the following two services:

3. You will now need to fund your bitcoin wallet for this program. Here are my suggestions:

  • If you are not a network builder (meaning you do not recruit) you will need to fund your wallet with $100.00 (plus a little bit more for BTC transactions) so let’s say $105.00 USD to be safe. This will take care of the annual membership fee and open up level 1 and 2 to earn passive income from the worldwide memberships.
  • If you are a Network Builder, my suggestion is that you load your wallet with $180.00 USD. This will take care of the annual membership, the first 2 levels of passive income and level 1 of the dual matrix platform plus any transaction fees of using bitcoin.

4. Buy bitcoin and load your bitcoin wallet. Where you buy it, is up to you. I live in Canada and have found the most convenient way to buy through a company called Shakepay.  This company is highly recommended but serves only the Canadian population at this time.

The Image links to Shakepay.

The Best And Easiest Way To Buy Bitcoin & Ethereum In Canada. Click on the image above.

5. Learn, Learn, Learn. Educate yourself while waiting. Communicate with others. We Learn by Doing (Faciendo Discimus).

If you have any questions or concerns or just want to learn more, please use the comments section below.

Thanking you in advance for your attention.


Here is where you get to say whatever you want to say.

Top ten tips for writing a great comment
  1. Read the article. It sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised how many comments can be answered with the words “it says in the article”.
  2. Respond to the article. … …
  3. Read the other comments. …
  4. Make it clear who you’re replying to. …
  5. Use the return key. …
  6. Avoid sarcasm. …
  7. Avoid unnecessary acronyms. …
  8. Use facts
  9. Don’t confuse facts with opinions…
  10. Don’t be “Captain Caps Lock.”

Learn More Here.

Let’s start the talk.

Do you think that BitLocity is a potential Scam or a Dare for us to get started?

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Shakepay Review

Shakepay Review:

Image links to The Forensic Affiliate

Click on the image to read the Shakepay review at The Forensic Affiliate.

Shakepay is the easiest way for Canadians to buy or sell Bitcoin and Ethereum on a platform that is easy to use and extremely user friendly.

Buy in minutes using Interac E-Transfer and cash out to your bank account instantly.

Shakepay is a Montreal-based FINTRAC compliant buy & sell currency platform designed specifically for users in Canada.

Built ideally for mobile, the platform allows users to send and request CAD (Canadian Dollars), BTC (Bitcoin) and ETH (Ethereum) directly on the APP to and from other Shakepay users.

Read The Complete Review Of Shakepay Here At The Wealthy Affiliate.


Is Africa Ready for Bitcoin

Is Bitcoin Ready for Africa?

Updated September 2020

The Image links to the Wealthy Affiliate Blog.

Click on the image above to view my profile at my home online.

If you are reading this post, it means that you are probably interested in learning more about Bitcoin and the Blockchain Technology behind it. Also, you probably want to know what happened to the D9 Clube of Sports Traders a huge HYIP Ponzi scam.

Well, D9 started in January 2016 and did their exit in mid to late 2017 leaving a lot of people suffering. I can’t believe that some people actually took out loans and jeopardized their children’s education funds in the hopes of making it rich.

Let’s all be a bit more careful the next time one of these Ponzies (and they will) come knocking on our doors.

For those currently residing in Africa, you guys and gals need to start paying even closer attention.

Africa is going to be one of the largest markets for cryptocurrency moving forward and with that will come the vultures to exploit and extort as much as they can.

This post is titled “Is Africa Ready for Bitcoin?” Included in this article are two interviews conducted by CNN.

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What Is Bitcoin Mining?

How Bitcoin Mining Works? – Andreas Antonopoulos

Andreas Antonopoulos is the “go-to” guy for me in the cryptocurrency world.
In the video below he speaks about the Bitcoin phenomenon and how the technology works from the perspective of Bitcoin mining.

Video Run Time – Half an Hour




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What the SEC (Securities Exchange Commission) has to say on the subject of Ponzi Schemes using virtual currency:


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Ponzi Schemes using Virtual Currencies

Click on this image to link to another SEC document on Ponzi Schemes.

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Examples of SEC enforcement Actions against Ponzi Schemes.

Click on this page image to link to a SEC document regarding Enforcement Actions.

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Link to North American Securities Administrators Association.

Click on Image to go to North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA)

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)

The SEC writes, “Be suspicious if you don’t receive a payment or have difficulty cashing out your investment. Ponzi scheme organizers sometimes encourage participants to “rollover” promised payments by offering higher investment returns.”

If the company holds your money hostage via convoluted withdrawal requirements, there’s a good chance it’s operating as a Ponzi scheme.

This is exactly what D9 Clube did. They kept encouraging people to “Roll’ their money back in to realize higher gains.

What do Zeek Rewards, WCM777, TelexFREE, Cyber Kids, Zhunrize, and eAdGear all have in common? They were all shut down as Ponzi schemes AND they all had auto-reinvestment components.

In legitimate network marketing programs, rewards go out based on volume. There’s no need for the company to hold YOUR money. If you earn it, you get it. In a Ponzi scheme, they need to keep cash inside the system to protect themselves in the event enrollments (money coming in) slows down. What do these requirements look like? Daily withdrawal limits, percentage of your commissions automatically used to purchase more “product,” hold periods for when you can actually sell your “Coins” after purchase, etc. These measures are taken to keep cash inside the system, protecting itself in the event of a crash.

With that being said, we all know now that hundreds of thousands of people (I’m just guessing) were left holding an empty bag as a result of the D9 Ponzi.

Enough about D9. It makes my stomach turn.

Let’s get back to “Is Africa Ready for Bitcoin?”

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Africa is Ripe for Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies

South Africa Has Been Among the Slowest of the Advanced Economies to Develop Cryptocurrency Regulations

Click on image to link to www.news.bitcoin.com Some great articles and views.

Cryptocurrencies are gradually being discovered in Africa. In countries like South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Nigeria, there is a semblance of digital currencies, primarily Bitcoin taking root.

These countries have got exchanges and start-ups in the crypto space and their businesses are recognizing the significance of Cryptocurrencies in fostering cross-border trade and payment. As a matter of reality, there are more than 1000 merchants accepting Bitcoin in South Africa.

Moreover, the infrastructure for the takeoff of digital tokens is solid. Telecommunication Liberalisation across the continent has enabled internet accessibility remarkably. Figures from GSMA indicate that half of the population in Africa subscribes to mobile telephony. Also, the statistics intimate that for the past two years smartphone usage in the continent has doubled to reach 226 million-plus.

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Termed the Money Transfer Protocol of the internet…Interviews from CNN

Does Bitcoin/Blockchain make sense for international money transfer?

Click on image to link to www.saveonsend.com Does Bitcoin/Blockchain make sense for international money transfer?

Below are two Interviews that I have sourced through CNN.

In the first, CNN spoke to Werner Van Rooyen, Head of Business Development and Growth at LUNO, the biggest Bitcoin exchange in Africa about how Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies are naturally poised to offer Africans financial inclusion.

Please read carefully and leave behind some comments on the contents of the interview.


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Interview number 1: with Werner Van Rooyen

CNN: Has Bitcoin Anything to Offer Africa?

Werner Van Rooyen: Absolutely. There is a huge potential for Bitcoin In Africa. Many Africans could move straight to a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or a bank of the future such as LUNO. Much of the existing financial infrastructure is inefficient banks. Branches are expensive, currency transfers are expensive and slow and most of the developing world is still unbanked.

There is the potential for Africans to leapfrog some of the existing financial services, in the same way that many Africans skipped the part of owning an expensive land phone line and went straight to owning a mobile phone.

CNN: Most African currencies are reeking of inflation. Does this make Bitcoin attractive as a store of value to Africans?

Werner Van Rooyen: Bitcoin has proven to be the best-performing currency in the World since 2010. I believe more investors in high-inflation countries are looking at alternative asset classes, things like Gold or Bitcoin.

Bitcoin has been found to be largely uncorrelated to other asset classes. With most asset classes, there is a correlation (or inverse correlation), like when a country’s stock market goes down, the currency’s exchange rate usually follows, same for the housing market. Bitcoin is largely uncorrelated, meaning it is becoming an attractive alternative to many investors.

CNN: What do you make of some African Governments tagging Bitcoin as a tool for terrorism and money laundering?

Werner Van Rooyen: I think this is mostly fueled by incorrect data, click-driven media hype, and a lack of understanding about Bitcoin.

Many other modern inventions, such as the Internet, Twitter, cars, and cellphones, are currently being used to facilitate crime. It doesn’t mean that we should shut these technological advances down (I doubt anyone is seriously proposing it), but rather that the good that comes with it outweighs the bad.

Lastly, there is very little proof that Bitcoin is currently being used for these nefarious purposes. Remember: Bitcoin is only pseudo-anonymous: all Bitcoin transactions ever conducted are recorded in the Blockchain.

Studies by the UK government looking into the best channels for laundering money have consistently found the risk of Bitcoin being used as very low.

CNN: Adoption of Bitcoin in Africa is irritatingly slow. How do we push penetration?

Werner Van Rooyen: Education and user experience. At Luno, we’re doing a lot to tackle this. Our aim is to make Luno the easiest place to buy, sell and learn about Bitcoin. Something which is no trivial task, but we’re seeing fantastic growth in Africa, especially for our mobile wallet. We’ve also created a Learning Portal to help new people with some basic concepts about Bitcoin.

CNN: Do you think Africans will finally embrace Bitcoin?

Werner Van Rooyen: I don’t think they will, I think they already have! We are seeing fantastic adoption in places like South Africa and Nigeria and I’m sure it will ripple to other African nations too.

CNN: What makes Bitcoin more expensive in Africa than anywhere else?

Werner Van Rooyen: Bitcoin is a very liquid instrument. It’s easy to move around the world. This, in theory, means that it can and will trade at roughly the same exchange rate, wherever it is available. Obviously, there are many factors at play, but since the price is determined by supply and demand, it means that in some places where the demand is low, it may trade at a lower price (and vice versa).

Another issue is the connectivity: to transact in Bitcoin, you need an internet connection and ideally a smartphone. Many places are still underserved by the telcos, but this is changing fast. The price of smartphones is also continuously getting cheaper.

CNN: Could you paint a picture of the future of Bitcoin in Africa?

Werner Van Rooyen: It’s really too soon to tell, but what we’re seeing already today is really fantastic and I believe Bitcoin has a lot of potential in emerging markets in Africa and abroad.

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Interview Number 2

With Adewale Bankole

CNN also spoke to Adewale Bankole, President of the Bastiat Society and Humaniq Ambassador of Nigeria about the future of Cryptocurrencies in Africa.

Click on image to link to "Bitcoin Africa"

Click on the image to link to “How to buy Bitcoin in Africa.”

Adewale Bankole: Africa is an emerging market with lots of opportunities. People have been failed over time by fiat money that doesn’t hold value. It is arduous for our local business people because the local currency doesn’t hold value and most of the time it has to be changed to dollars in order to access International Markets for raw materials and machinery for example.

However, with Cryptocurrencies holding the same value Globally, it will become more and more seamless to transact business with Africans Globally. This will absolutely create a circle of human and economic development in Africa in the long run.

CNN: So, it’s Africa that has a lot to offer Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and not the other way around?

Adewale Bankole: Yes, the market is here for cryptocurrencies in Africa. Africa has lots to offer Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, simply because Africa needs an alternative to the weak and not–always–available fiat money. All products of cryptocurrencies will be well embraced if promoted in Africa. As we speak, the vacuum for alternative means of payment is obvious in Africa at the moment.

CNN: And do you believe Africans would embrace Bitcoin if the necessary awareness is created?

Adewale Bankole: Absolutely. Once they see that it works. Africans really want something that works with value. The missing link here is the awareness of the technology.

CNN: Do you think that the necessary infrastructure is there to make it thrive?

Adewale Bankole:  Yes, infrastructure is the key. However, average Africans have smartphones these days, which means that Bitcoin and other Digital Currency transactions can be done. Moreso, the advent of their Fintech App, has made Africa the most fertile land for Cryptocurrencies.

CNN: From your perspective, do you see any challenges?

Adewale Bankole: Sure. There are always going to be challenges from State and or Central Banks. Definitely, they will feel threatened that Cryptocurrencies will send them out of the Money Market Monopolisation. But with the persistent success of cryptocurrency transactions in Africa that are slowly solving problems and raising human development, cryptocurrency will surely take over.

CNN: Penetration and adoption are painfully slow. What is the way forward?

Adewale Bankole: At this point, I think that a wise government in Africa that cares about FDI and overall economic growth should just adopt cryptocurrency and let it work in their respective countries. I believe adoption will rise steadily once the cryptocurrency companies spend more on sensitizing African business people and Africans in general. It is obvious that people want an alternative to fiat money. People are tired of working hard for money and working harder to transact with it which is the current situation with fiat money in Africa. This is what I see on a daily basis.

CNN: What about Civil Society? Do they have a role here?

Adewale Bankole: Yes, Civil Society has a special role to play because especially Civil Society promotes business.

Civil Society works to promote human development, and I think that they should be a major partner in this Cryptocurrency drive in Africa since most Civil Society Organizations already have an area of interest and keen followers.

CNN: Finally, why will you choose cryptocurrency over fiat currency?

Adewale Bankole:  That’s obvious.

  • The store of value;
  • Easy to transact with;
  • Accepted Globally; and,
  • Appreciating progressively.

CNN: Thank you.

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Tanzania is the latest African Country that is embracing the technological currency revolution as it shows some impressive growth, despite the small numbers.

In Africa, it is Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa that are pioneers of Cryptocurrency, but as the World of Bitcoin spreads, even places like Tanzania are starting to show growth.

“The main hindrance to the adoption of Bitcoin technology, which we do not often talk about, is the lack of awareness and skills to adopt the technology. Bitcoin currently is a sophisticated technology compared to the simplicity of existing platforms like M-Pesa, which my grandmother who does not even speak English can use. The Bitcoin technology needs to get simpler or integrate into other simpler platforms. We also need to get better at educating Africans about this technology.” – John Karanga of BitHub.Africa 

D9Clube Advanced – Scam

Purchase of Multiple D9 Club Packages

Updated September 2020

The image links to Paul Mindra's profile at Wealthy Affiliate.

Click on the image above to view my home online.

Hi, Paul Mindra here again, your host and guide.
This post is an addendum to “D9Clube came to Canada in 2016”. It was originally posted back in 2017.

Many members of the D9 Club were not actively involved in the Network Marketing/MLM aspect of the program.

Some of the leaders in The D9 Club came up with a very clever and attractive way to ‘rig’ the system offering a very attractive alternative for those that just wanted to build their returns without having to introduce the program to others.

The cash flow projections looked so great that some individuals took out loans or put their life savings, and even their children’s education accounts forward.

The early adopters did well. Those that came in mid to late got left holding empty bags. 

Let me show you below what they had put together based on the D9Clube Compensation plan which involved direct/indirect/binary and uni-level payouts.


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  • Example 1 Purchase 3 Gold Plus Packages
  • Example 2 – Purchase 7 Gold Plus Packages
  • Example 3 Purchase 11 Gold Plus Packages
    • Day 1 – Week 3: Purchase 3 more Gold Plus Packages
    • Day 1 – Week 5: Purchase 2 more Gold Plus and 1 New Gold Package
    • Day 1 – Week 7: Purchase 3 more Gold Plus Packages
    • Day 1 – Week 9: Purchase 3 more Gold Plus Packages and upgrade 1 Gold Package to Gold Plus.


Example 1 – 3 Gold Plus Packages

Day 1 Purchase:

3 Gold Plus Packages @ $1996.00 each equals $5,988.00

3 Gold Plus Package Monthly Maintenance Fees @ $50.00 each equals $150.00

3 Gold Plus Package Yearly Account Set-Up Fees @ $3.00 each equals $9.00

Total Initial Set-Up: $6147.00

Each Gold Plus Package has 340 Points (340 X 3 = 1020 points)

So when all said and done, with an initial investment of $6,138.00, after 52 weeks, the investor would receive a ‘Net’ gain of $19,083. What is that, about a 300+% return on investment? Not bad right?

Let’s have a look at what happened if they started with 7 Packages.

Keep in mind, the person that sold these packages also received a very handsome commission almost like brokers in the ‘Shadow Banking’ industry.

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Example 2 – 7 Gold Plus Packages

Day 1 Purchase:

7 Gold Plus Packages @ $1996.00 each equals $13,972.00

7 Gold Plus Package Monthly Maintenance Fees @ $50.00 each equals $350.00

7 Gold Plus Package Yearly Account Set-Up Fees @ $3.00 each equals $21.00

Total Initial Set-Up: $14,343.00

Each Gold Plus Package has 340 Points (340 X 7 = 2380 points)

$14,332.00 gross in.

$44,840.00 Net out.

313% ROI (Return on investment) after just 52 weeks. WOW!

Now let’s have a look at the package that involved re-investment of returns for the first nine weeks.

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Example 3 – 11 Gold Plus Packages

This is an advanced strategy for the Six-Figure per Year Earner.

Participants involved in this Strategy must not make any withdrawals for the first 9 weeks.

Day 1 Purchase:

11 Gold Plus Packages @ $1996.00 each equals $21,956.00

11 Gold Plus Package Monthly Maintenance Fees @ $50.00 each equals $550.00

11 Gold Plus Package Yearly Account Set-Up Fees @ $3.00 each equals $33.00

Total Initial Set-Up: $22,539.00

Each Gold Plus Package has 340 Points (340 X 11 = 3,740 points)

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Day 1 – Week 3 – Purchase 3 more Gold Plus Packages

3 Gold Plus Packages @ $1996.00 each equals $5988.00

3 Gold Plus Package Monthly Maintenance Fees @ $50.00 each equals $150.00

3 Gold Plus Package Yearly Account Set-Up Fees @ $3.00 each equals $9.00

Total Set-Up od 3 more packages purchased through Accumulated Earnings : $6147.00

Each Gold Plus Package has 340 Points. You now have 14 Packages (340 X 14 = 4,760 points)

Accumulated Balance Left: $6,235.60 – $6147.00 = $88.60

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Day 1 – Week 5 – Purchase 2 more Gold Plus Packages and 1 More Gold Package.

2 Gold Plus Packages @ $1996.00 each equals $3,992.00

1 Gold Package $998.00

2 Gold Plus and 1 Gold Package Monthly Maintenance Fees @ $50.00 each equals $150.00

3 Gold Plus Package Yearly Account Set-Up Fees @ $3.00 each equals $9.00

Total Set-Up of 3 more packages purchased through Accumulated Earnings : $5149.00.00

Each Gold Plus Package has 340 Points. You now have 17 Packages (340 X 17 = 5,780 points)

Accumulated Balance Left: $5,664.80 – $5149.00 = $515.80

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 Day 1 -Week 7 – Purchase 3 more Gold Plus Packages

3 Gold Plus Packages @ $1996.00 each equals $5,988.00

3 Gold Plus Monthly Maintenance Fees @ $50.00 each equals $150.00

3 Gold Plus Package Yearly Account Set-Up Fees @ $3.00 each equals $9.00

Total Set-Up of 3 more packages purchased through Accumulated Earnings: $6,147.00

Each Gold Plus Package has 340 Points. You now have 20 Packages (340 X 20 = 6,800 points)

Accumulated Balance Left: $7,142.40.00 – $6,147.00 = $995.40

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Day 1 -Week 9 – Purchase 3 more Gold Plus Packages and upgrade 1 gold Package to Gold Plus.

3 Gold Plus Packages @ $1996.00 each equals $5,988.00

3 Gold Plus Monthly Maintenance Fees @ $50.00 each equals $150.00

3 Gold Plus Package Yearly Account Set-Up Fees @ $3.00 each equals $9.00

1 Gold upgrade to Gold Plus $998.00

1 Upgrade set-Up fee $3.00

Total Set-Up of 3 more packages and 1 upgrade purchased through Accumulated Earnings : $7,158.00

Each Gold Plus Package has 340 Points. You now have 23 Packages (340 X 23 = 7,820 points)

Accumulated Balance Left: $8,642.00 – $7,158.00 = $1,484.00

Total Initial Set-Up: $22,539.00

Net gain after 61 weeks (remember, the investor added an additional 9 weeks into this structure):


ROI return on investment: 668%

Talk about leveraging, right?

“Hey Joe, let me show you how you can turn $20,000 into $150,000.00 in just over a year.”

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Email me to learn and discuss the tables further:





D9Clube Came To Canada In Late 2016


Updated August 2020.

Image links to the Wealthy Affiliate blog.

Click on the image above to view my profile at Wealthy Affiliate.

Hi, My name is Paul Mindra and I will be your host and guide on this site and also on other sites that I create on my new journey on the World Wide Web.

Disclaimer: All of my websites are “works in progress” meaning that there will always be content to add.

I have been online since 2016 and I have the Wealthy Affiliate open education platform to thank for that.

In my previous working life, I was a career Hospitality Professional and spent many years as a Chef. Failing health led to being recognized as disabled and unable to perform effectively around 2017.

Everything before that was a really good career, life story and journey.

My new working life is one where I can work from home or anywhere for that matter as long as I have access to the internet. I have been one of the fortunate ones during these very uncertain times of a worldwide meltdown.


May we all live long and prosper.

In this post, I want to talk about:

  • The D9 Clube. Why? Because it laid down a template for many other Ponzi’s to follow;
  • HYIP’s (High Yield Investment Programs); and
  • Briefly touch upon The History of Ponzi Schemes.

Let’s get started.

Table Of Contents

Additional Resource –

My Home Online – Wealthy Affiliate

WordPress + Siterubix + Training = Wealthy Affiliate


Do you remember the D9Clube?

It was one of the biggest scams perpetrated in early 2016 and exited in mid to late 2017 taking with it many US Dollars and Bitcoin.

Estimates are that this scheme had over 640 Million USD go through its process and over 65 Million USD is still unaccounted for.

That means that the organizers used let’s say $600M to rob Peter to pay Paul and walked away with ‘Cool Millions’ when the river of new people coming in dried up.

The D9 Clube could have been a really good experience if it had been better explained and some execution in the actual sports trading platforms had taken place.

It was a ‘By Invitation Only’ Entrepreneurs Club that anyone above ‘The Age of Majority’ could participate in through referral or sponsorship.

It was to be a community made up of Open-minded people with a broader vision of seeking financial independence and a greater quality of life and freedom from daily routines for themselves and their families.

Sound familiar?

The D9 Clube could have been a really good experience if they had executed what they set out to do. But then, who really likes to work hard when money is being thrown at you?

Let’s get into it.

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Was D9Clube a ‘Scam‘, ‘Dare‘ or Both

Image links to https://www.scamwatch.gov.au/

Click on the image above to read ‘Spot The Scam Signs’ at Scamwatch.gov.au.

The D9Clube was promoted as a global investment club in which members earned weekly on their investments in D9 for 52 weeks.

Their speciality was Arbitrage Sports Trading in the Global sport of Soccer (football).

Their official headquarters was situated in the International Trade Center of Recife, Brazil.

I’m not sure if that was ever confirmed, but as you know, when the Internet is used effectively, the World is in the palm of your hand. You can create ‘fake this’, and ‘fake that’, and have everyone believing that it is real.

The concept of their business was actually quite do-able and sustainable (Arbitrage Sports Trading). But guess what they forgot to do? The Trading.

Theirs was very similar to the man who is charged with the name “Ponzi Scheme” – Carlo (Charles) Ponzi but a little more sophisticated.

Great idea, great concept, but neither of these guys nor Charles Ponzi knew how to execute what they were in fact promoting. They just found that it was easier to rob Peter to pay Paul and keep a handsome amount for themselves.

I found a picture (below) of the owner, or mastermind, his right-hand man and the leader of the fraud in Uganda, Africa.

Africa, as it turned out was a huge market for them to exploit. See Is Africa Ready For Bitcoin?

In the image above from left to right are Smart Protus Magara, Danillo Santana and Luis Durigon.

The D9Clube was basically a Ponzi High Yield Investment Program (HYIP) beautifully gift-wrapped in a very clever Multi-Level-Marketing scheme.

The only reason I am re-hashing something that is now history is that there is something to learn from it and more importantly, their fraud laid down the template for many other frauds being perpetrated right up to this day.

Their representatives at the top known as “leaders” in the field.

Luis Durigon and another fellow I know only as “Ruffugio’ came to Toronto, Canada around Christmas time 2016. They had launched their operations from Brazil in January of that year and Africa and selected European hubs had already been targeted and established by September 2016. North America was next.

A group of a dozen people considered being leaders in their respective fields in the wonderful world of network and multi-level marketing were gathered together and wined and dined in one of the most expensive areas of Toronto, Canada. The Yorkville District.

The ‘bill’ that night was probably close to 10K CAD for just 14 -15 people.

Ten Thousand dollars seems like a lot for dinner, but as the old saying goes “you have to spend money to make money.” And boy did they ever make money with that money spent.

When all was said and done, authorities estimated D9 Clube was a $642 million dollar Ponzi scheme.

So was D9Clube a ‘Scam,’ ‘Dare,” or both?

Looking back, it was all of the above. The leaders ‘dared’ their downlines to get involved with the ‘fear of losing out,’ and the guys at the top took care of the rest by scamming the daylights out of anyone that dared to come on board.

Related Archives:

D9 Clube raided by police in BrazilAgust 4, 2017

D9 Clube owner arrested in Dubai, to be extradited to Brazil – April 19, 2018.

3 Banks hand over Shs7.5b from d9clube to URSBMay 26, 2019

Read the “BEHIND MLM”  Review of D9 Club Here. 

Return To Table Of Contents.

The D9Clube Packages – Revisited

D9Clube had various packages to accommodate all levels of participation. For simplistic reasons, let’s just focus on the most elite and popular package offered to D9Clube investors.

Based on the assumption that most affiliates  were purchasing a Gold Plus package, this is how the D9 Sports Traders were going to do it:

D9 knows that they have to pay out a $170.00 commission to the person that sells this package. This was the direct referral commission paid to the person who brought the next victim to the table. Then they have to pay out the Binary portion to the ‘Team’ builders and then they have to pay out the Indirect Referral as part of a Unilevel. See illustration below.

After all the payouts on this one package are paid out, D9 is still left with $1360.00.

They also know that they have to pay the holder in due course of this package $170.00 per week for 52 weeks. 

The Traders have $1360.00 to generate $170.00 per week or $24.28 per day (Sports Trading is a seven day a week event) to keep this package from becoming ‘delinquent.’

They have to generate a minimum daily profit of 1.8% daily to keep this package performing.” That requires dedicated work.

In the hands of a competent Arbitrage Sports Betting Trader, 1.8% daily is not out of the question where averages in this particular industry can range up to 5%.

Simply put, not 1 trade took place. 

Learn More Here about Arbitrage Sports Betting.

The premise behind the D9 Club of Entrepreneurs was based on ‘Sports Trading.” More specifically “Arbitrage Sports Trading.” Watch the Video Tutorial on Arbitrage Sports Trading Here.

Investors were told that The Traders at D9 specialized only on Football (Soccer) and Danillo Santana being an ex Soccer Professional knew all the “in’s and out’s.”

With Traditional betting houses you cannot move or modify your bets meaning that based on the original bet, you are either going to win or lose.

Advanced Sports Betting and Sports Trading use a much more complete system available through Betfair and other Sports Trading Platforms (Read more Here).

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Sports Arbitrage Trading Introduction – ATP Platform

Arbitrage allows for small consistent gains all the time.

Arbitrage Trading is the process where Professional Sports Traders take advantage of the variation in odds offered by different bookmakers in order to make a profit regardless of the outcome of an event.

Also known as ‘matched betting,’ or ‘sure wins,’ arbitrage trading involves simultaneously betting on every outcome of an event, whilst making a calculation that the combined bets will lead to a guaranteed profit.

‘Arbitrage Trading’ has been dubbed “the only way to make a consistent profit” in Sports Betting, and it has certainly proved profitable for a lot of followers of the method. With that being said, the process requires large stakes and a great deal of patience, given that the typical return on investment (ROI) is between two and five per cent, depending on the event and a number of other factors.

Learn More Here.

Watch the Guides below.

Return To Table Of Contents.

Sports Arbitrage Guide 01 – Meet Tim Trader

You might have heard it be called sure betting, scalping, risk-free betting, arbs, or maybe even something else entirely. But they are all the same thing and now you will have a little more clear idea of what sports arbitrage is and how profits can be made from it.

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Sports Arbitrage Guide 02 – The Myths & Cons

Professional sports arbitrage trading can be a great way to make money but it’s not always as easy or as fun as some people will have you believe. You need to know exactly what you are getting yourself into before you jump in blindly.

D9Clube members were told that their team of highly specialized D9 Club Traders will be doing the trading for them…Not!

Return To Table Of Contents.

Sports Arbitrage Guide 03 – The Money

In part three of the sports arbitrage betting tips series, Trader Tim talks about the MONEY.  He discusses how much money you will need, how much money you could make, tax information, and more. Basically, you get all the answers to your questions about the “money side” of sports arbitrage, which is obviously a very important topic.

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Sports Arbitrage Guide 04 – The Calculations

In this video you will learn about the calculations and formulas used by sports arbitrage traders and how to apply them:

  • Calculate the implied probabilities of all possible market outcomes
  • Calculate the sum of the probabilities of all market outcomes
  • Divide the implied probability of each individual outcome by the sum of all probabilities

Note: Probabilities must be less than 100.

Return To Table Of Contents.

Sports Arbitrage Guide 05 – The Bookmakers

“love em or hate em…you gotta use em.” Yes, the Bookmakers. You’ll need at least 30, maybe even 100. Pinnacle Sports has emerged as one of the most popular online bookmakers providing savvy Arbitrageurs what they need.

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Sports Arbitrage Guide 06 – The Bonuses

Online Bookmakers offer Free Bets and Bonuses for your business in the hopes that you will lose. In this video learn how to find an ‘even trade’ and walk away with their ‘Free Bets,’ ‘Bonuses’ and ‘Lost Leaders.

Return To Table Of Contents.

Sports Arbitrage Guide 07 – Newbie Errors

The Seven Biggest Mistakes novice traders make and how to avoid them.

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A question that many D9Clube investors had was “How can this D9 program maintain such payouts and still be around a few years from now?”

Their answer was in “Arbitrage Betting,” or more precisely, “Arbitrage Trading.”

But guess what? It was all ‘smoke and mirrors.

Which brings us to the next topic.

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The Image Links to Bing

Click on the image above for “Bing” front page “What is HYIP-PONZI

Nearly all HYIP’s work as a Ponzi scheme, meaning they are all pyramids in the set-up. More often, an HYIP is closed when the payment amount reaches 85% of the entire amount. What do I mean by this?


When the amounts that need to be paid to the members reach 85% of the maximum income of the HYIP Company…It is time to shut down.

It is no longer sustainable.

The primary reason for this is that these HYIP start-ups are not performing the way they promise to perform. They are not Trading (for example with D9) to generate profits.

The more interest rate (return to novice investors) that is offered, the shorter the term of the HYIP run. Please understand this.

The average “lifetime” term of long-term HYIP is about 1 year.

D9 made it past the year mark (approximately 16 months) and they did most of their damage in the last 2 months of their existence orchestrating their exit plan.

The short-term HYIP’s “lifetime” cannot be defined in my opinion but can be verified by my 85% assertion. Every HYIP has its own lifetime. It’s hard to predict the end. That is why short-term HYIP’s are considered to have a higher risk degree than long-term ones and offer a higher rate of return.

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Click on image to go to 'Coinstaker.'

Click on image to go to ‘Coinstaker.’

High yield investment programs, also short for HYIPs, will pay high returns for a small amount you invest in them. These programs are supposed to get the profits by trading forex, stocks and bonds, sports betting and others.

Most do not and are set up as Ponzi Schemes.

The perpetrators of these schemes are actually nice people that you would meet across the street and trust unconditionally. That is because they know how to build your trust in them.

HYIPs pay hourly, daily, weekly or monthly. The daily income rates depend on the HYIP itself and range from 0.5% to 6%. Some even go as far as to claim 10%. We are talking daily here.

D9Clube was offering a daily return of 1.8% on the purchase of each $2046.00 package based on Sports Arbitrage Trading.

Those of my readers that know me, know that I have always said from the beginning, that if D9 does successful ‘Arbitrage Sports Trading‘ then there will never be a problem.

But If they are not doing the trading…well, guess what? You better have an exit plan of your own.

It works something like this (The Graph below explained):


Should the . be placed inside or outside the brackets?

First Learn, then remove the ‘L’

The lifespan of an HYIP can be divided into three stages.

Phase 1: The Launch after The Pre-Launch

Pre-launch is where people can join for free to position themselves within the organization. Or they can become founders by making some sort of commitment i.e. they can invest a minimum to a maximum amount and have for example, ‘founder’ or ‘Premier’ status.

In the D9Clube example, Investors invest Bitcoin purchased through USD cash and D9Clube Admin pays the promised percentages. All good.

D9 Clube Admin is essentially paying out from their own pocket and the pockets of the founders and early investors at this time and are incurring losses or just breaking even.

This is when ‘Leaders’ with large followings are enticed.

Phase 2: The Upswing.

Enough Momentum has been acquired through the planning stages and it is time to pull the trigger.

The SCHEME is now booming and many people are signing in and investing. Many with up to One Hundred Thousand USD plus.

The potential profit of the admin now grows faster than the amount they need to pay daily to the investors. They have reached the Pinnacle.

They finally have the money to do for the people what they promised. To turn the investment into regular profit.

But these profits were not realized through trading. These profits are from new money coming in.

And then that’s when these ponzies fail.

They have made it this far with their shenanigans but now the game is real.

They have sold investors on the idea that they are professional traders. But they are not.

Sooner or later, the payouts coming from new people will slow down or stop completely.

Now an Exit Strategy has to be planned.

During this phase, an additional ‘small amount’ will be required under the guise of for example KYC “Know Your Customer”, or as I call it “Kentucky Fried Chicken.”

They plan their exit strategy. Can take anywhere from 10 to 40 days plus. D9 was about 40 if not a few more.

During all this time they keep you handcuffed and at ransom while at the same time encouraging to continue to invest and reinvest.

Phase 3: The Fall.

Over time, fewer and fewer people continue investing in the platform. This means, that the potential earning is getting less, due to the fact that the admin needs to pay out a profit daily plus the MLM Bonuses.  Admin decides, that now is the point of maximum earnings for them.

First, admin stops all the payments out of the website but allows continued investment into the program through the leaders that are still able to convert their back offices from numbers into actual bitcoin and US dollars.

Remember at D9…Nobody got paid for almost two months but they encouraged people to continue to purchase packages under the guise that they were making the platform even better.

Then when they had ‘milked’ the program to the maximum they ran away and closed the website.

So they had a run from January 2016 to approximately September 2017.

Note: Most Hyip’s hiding behind an MLM or Network Marketing structure will last much longer than an HYIP on its own. 

This is why the next question is very important:

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How To Minimize The Risk if you still want to play?

As seen in the upper graphic, the periods you are going to earn are phase 1 and 2. This means you need to join as early as possible, equivalently, you need not join too late. To find out if the HYIP is at the beginning of phase 2 or at the end is not easy.

Therefore, there are some common rules of thumb on joining HYIPs:

  • Do your homework. Especially if they are promoting the program through the issuance of a new Alt Coin or new Blockchain Technology. With these, you want to see ‘The White Paper.’
  • Be wary (Like D9) of Company Communication done in only one language other than English.
  • Have anyone that is recruiting you to show the validity of the program.
  • Establish if the program is an HYIP or an HYIP disguised as an MLM. Remember, the ones hiding behind an MLM structure will last much longer.
  • If the Hyip is just an HYIP paying more than 5% daily, then don’t join it after it has been there for more than three weeks.
  • If the HYIP is paying between 2.5% and 5.0%, then don’t join it after it has been there for more than five weeks.
  • If the HYIP is paying less than 1.5%, then the choice is even harder. The website might pay for a very long time like HashOcean (more than a year), or stop like Business Angels (less than three months).
  • Don’t Get Greedy. Most HYIP’s want you to continue to roll over your gains back into the program. Would a better approach not be to extract your initial money and then play their game with their money? and finally,
  • Don’t forget to request your withdrawals as soon as they become available.

Note: Do not be afraid to ask for a white paper from the company’s dealing with Cryptocurrency, Mining and Blockchain programs.

Good Luck.

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The History of Ponzi

Image links to www.smithsonianmag.com

Click on the image above to read “In Ponzi We Trust.”

Born Carlo Pietro Giovanni Guglielmo Tebaldo Ponzi; March 3, 1882 – January 18, 1949) was an Italian swindler and con artist in the U.S. and Canada.

The ‘King of getting Rich Quick,’ Charles Ponzi became a millionaire in just six months back in the early 1920s.

Charles Ponzi was best known for the financial crimes he committed when he conned investors into giving him millions and paid them returns with other investors’ money.

Although he did not invent the scheme that later came to bear his name, Charles Ponzi’s scam was so extensive and initially lucrative that it brought national attention to the fraudulent operation for the first time.

Ponzi arrived from Italy in Boston, USA aboard the  S.S. Vancouver in November 1903. He later told the New York Times that he had gambled most of his money on the voyage to America. “I landed in this country with $2.50 cash and $1 million in hopes, and those hopes never left me.”

This young immigrant had charm, charisma and confidence. The details of his early life are difficult to verify but it is believed that he was fairly well educated having attended the University Of Rome La Sapienza.

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From Rags to Riches

Image links to Getty Images

Click on the image above to go to “Getty Images.”

Ponzi eventually found his way to get rich quick using a ‘loophole’ within the postal system. It was completely legitimate and involved the concepts of ‘Arbitrage.’

At the time, it was common for letters going abroad to include an international reply coupon ‘Voucher.’ This voucher could be exchanged for minimum postage back to the country from which the letter was sent.

Thus, for example, if I sent my friend in England a letter, I could include a coupon so that he or she could respond back.

Sort of like an enclosed stamp.

Exchange and postal rates fluctuated worldwide and Ponzi saw that there was an opportunity to make a profit.

He only had to purchase a postal reply coupon cheaply in some foreign country, send it back to the U.S. in Boston where he was to swap it out for an American stamp of a higher value.

Then he could sell these stamps.

This arrangement was perfectly legal.

Ponzi started buying and selling postal reply coupons using agents in his native Italy, and he was making a good living doing it.

Read the rest of this intriguing story here.

And read another version of the same story here.

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The Difference between “Ponzi” & “Pyramid”

Charles Ponzi & the True Story of a Financial Legend

Video Run Time: 54.43 – Make the time – Must Watch

The video above is a segway into a really well-written book:

Ponzi’s Scheme: The True Story of a Financial Legend – by Mitchell Zuckoff  (Author)

About the book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/081… 

“…It was a time when anything seemed possible–instant wealth, glittering fame, fabulous luxury–and for a run of magical weeks in the spring and summer of 1920, Charles Ponzi made it all come true.”

“…Promising to double investors’ money in three months, the dapper, charming Ponzi raised the “rob Peter to pay Paul” scam to an art form.”

“…At the peak of his success, Ponzi was raking in more than $2 million a week at his office in downtown Boston. Then his house of cards came crashing down–thanks in large part to the relentless investigative reporting of Richard Grozier’s Boston Post.”

A classic American tale of immigrant life and the dream of success, Ponzi’s Scheme is the amazing story of the magnetic scoundrel who launched the most successful scheme of financial alchemy in modern history.

Leave a comment in the comments section at the end of this post.

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Was D9Clube a Ponzi Scheme?

Not only was D9 an HYIP Ponzi Scheme, but it was also a Pyramid scheme cleverly disguised as an MLM.

To attract members without having to do it online, they used the troops on the ground by gift-wrapping it in an MLM Pyramid scheme.

“HYIP” stands for a ‘high yield investment program.’ Here are the Mechanics.

Making it simpler, HYIP’s in the eyes of the novice investor represents a way to make huge amounts of money in a very short period of time without having to do anything but invest some hard-earned money.

In a Nutshell, D9 lured their victims into the program under the guise that the D9 club Executive Team was a team of highly trained and respected “Arbitrage Sports Trading’ professionals that could provide an average daily return of 1.8%.

They also included a very comprehensive MLM plan to lure more victims more quickly.

They used Teams: “A,” “B,” and “C.”

Team “A” were the guys at the top (the originators).
Team “B” were the “leaders” that had access to Teams “C.”
Team “C” were the minions that aspired to be like Team “A.”

Then the final ingredient was the use of Bitcoin because Team “A” know that Bitcoin transactions are very difficult to reverse without an escrow service.

The Internet says that Long-term HYIP’s are the projects calculating 0.01% to 5.00% daily.

D9 was claiming 1.8% daily and was completely doable if they actually traded in Arbitrage. (Unfortunately, there is no evidence that this company actually traded at all).

Any project giving 5.00% or more can be considered short-term. So what is the attraction? I’ll tell you in a nutshell…’ Get Rich Quick.’ Most novice movers will lose. Those with a certain level of expertise will gain. This is a very dangerous game to play.

Let’s look into some background…because too many people get involved without knowing what they are getting into.

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Additional Resource “Scamworld”

‘Get Rich Quick’ Schemes have mutated into an Online Monster. A ‘Network of Pitchmen’ and self-proclaimed “Guru’s” have used and are still using The Internet and the Fear of Failing economies’ to play the ultimate ‘Long Con’ on innocent and unsuspecting people all around the World.

Internet Marketers that are trying to earn a living honestly are very small fish in a very large pond. We are basically just the small guys that work under a much larger business group called “The Syndicate.”

Yes, there is actually such a thing.

Scamworld – Must Watch

“The Syndicate” is a business group that uses digital marketing to sell get rich quick, work from home and self-help products.

Running time is approximately 15 minutes (it’s worth it).


Warning Signs That Your High-Yield Investment May Be a Scam

Read 10 Facts HYIP Administrators hide from you here

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My Home Online – Wealthy Affiliate

My advice to anyone trying to get rich quick is that it very rarely happens.
The only way to get rich quick is to do it slowly.

Work from home is going to be the new norm.
The Internet is not going to go anywhere soon and will just get more and more sophisticated. It moves at lightning speed.

To participate and succeed, you will need to first “Learn” and then you can remove the ‘L’ when you feel you are ready.

You have to have a website whether you are selling your own product or service or you are selling the products and services of others.

That’s my home online (see below).

The Image links to my Wealthy affiliate.

Click on the image above to learn more about Paul Mindra’s home on the internet.

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WordPress + Siterubix + Training = Wealthy Affiliate.

Would you like to learn WordPress and how Siterubix works with WordPress in an open education environment by building a website of your own?

Setting up the foundation of your website is not hard.

Watch Jay Neill do it here:

Image links the Wealthy Affiliate Blog.

Click on the image above to view Jay Neill’s profile at Wealthy Affiliate.

Jay Neill is a successful Online Entrepreneur and Businessman who Joined Wealthy Affiliate way back in March 2007. He owns and operates a Digital Marketing Agency in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Magistudios was established in 2004.

He and his team offer a variety of SEO and Online Marketing Services and together they work with clients to create marketing development plans specific to their business, individual styles, and budget.

He became the Wealthy Affiliate Live Video Training Coach back in 2012 and hosts a weekly 1-hour webinar every Friday Evening at 8 p.m. EST for Wealthy Affiliate Premium Associates.

Get a glimpse of what Jay brings to The Wealthy Affiliate Platform here.

Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate operates as:
Niche Marketing Inc.
2354 Millstream Rd, Box 18
V9B 6L2
Est. 2005

Free To Start.

Please learn more here:

Budget required:

No more than $510.00 USD/ $740 CAD per year.

Everything you need. One set price.

Upsells are not offered.

Monthly memberships are also available @ $49.00 USD / $65.00 CAD per month with the first-month premium trial costing only $19.00 USD! $25.00 CAD to make sure that you want to continue with the learning platform.

Free Starter membership recommended trying the test drive.

Read my Affiliate Disclaimer Here.

Stay in touch.

Stay safe and remain awesome.

Were you a victim of D9? Were you a victim of any other Ponzi?
Would you like me to review any programs that you might be considering to see if they are a Scam or Dare?

Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Kindest regards,


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