• Hi, Kweyu.

      I don’t think that anyone is going to get their money back that were involved in D9. The last people in, feel it the most and it just trickles up from there.

      These crooks are long gone with State and Federal Money along with our bitcoins.

      The damage has been done.

      Google ‘Confidence Scheme’

      Thank you for stopping by to leave a comment. Did you know that you can post here, too?
      Kindest regards,

      • I need the money back . If the clube have collapse tell the person concern concern to refund the money failure to that curses will follow him and his generation

        • Hi, Wanbui.
          The crooks behind the D9 Clube are long gone.
          They along with the money from many people is nowhere to be found.
          Be careful of another Scam that is targeting Africa.

          It is called “Mining Capital Coin”

          It is an exact clone of the D9Clube as far as the business model is concerned.

          If you get involved in this one also, you are doing at your own risk and will probably lose your money.
          Proceed with caution.

          Better still, don’t proceed at all and warn your friends and family.

          Best regards,


  1. What’s update on D9 to date.

    • Hi, Gabriel.
      One of our members sent me the following link:


      Please proceed with caution. That is register but do not send bitcoin. Could be yet another scam.

      I sent emails to this website for more information, but have not received anything back at all.

      Kindest regards.

  2. Hi, Gabriel.
    Thank you for stopping by to say hello and posting a comment.
    What exactly do you mean by your comment?



    • Hi, David.

      Show me where we are fully registered traders.

      I appreciate your comments.

      Touch base again, soon.


    • Qui en nos devolvera nuestras inverciones in verti porque me dijieron que me iva ganar con d9clube.com

      • Saludos, Eloy

        No hablo español, pero intentaré ayudar.

        ¿Qué son ‘inversiones en verti’?

        ¿Y quién te dijo que ganarías con D9Clube?

        D9Clube ahora se ha ido dejando atrás solo más pobreza y desesperación.

        Ten cuidado en marzo de 2018. Pueden estar bajo una apariencia diferente.

        Saludos cordiales,

  3. I invested in may and I have never received any earnings. Which can’t you people close this staff of yours and we count it a loss.am so disappointed

    • Hi, Wyclif.

      I am not a staff member of D9Clube. I am a victim just like you and many others.
      I opened this website for information purposes only. I will continue to keep it open and will start to write about other programs that we should be wary about.

      Yes, it appears that the D9Clube is completely finished and we have to accept our losses.
      Thanks for stopping by to say hello and express your comment.

      Kindest regards,


  4. people just accept that we have been conned of our money and let’s go back to work for the best

    • Hi Caleb.
      Thank you for stopping by to shed some words of wisdom.
      Read my most recent post here at http://d9club.siterubix.com/
      Let’s all understand what to look out for in the future and if anyone of us can find a non-scam, non-defraud program it might be good for us to get some money back that was stolen. This time through a legitimate program if one exists.


  5. Kindly help me to get my money back..i took a loan to open five gold plus accounts which i didnt get anythin

    • Hi, Enock.
      We are all trying to get our money back. What can we do when all Access to our accounts has been denied and the ‘Chickens’ have flown with their Coup?

      Why on Earth Enok, would you take out a loan for a High Yield Investment Program? I have said over and over again that in the World of HYIP’s you only play with money that you can afford to lose. I am not being condescending because I know why you did it. Someone talked you into it. But ultimately, the decision was yours.

      Do you think that the scams will end. No, they will become even more, especially because we have entered the world of Cryptocurrency.

      “John Kenneth Galbraith once observed that ‘the man who is admired for the ingenuity of his larceny is almost always rediscovering some earlier form of fraud.’ Although the details may vary, all flimflam games rely on their basic ability to make a lie look like the truth. Even today, confidence artists continue to work their scams with great success. Time and again, people from every walk of life demonstrate their ability to abandon common sense and believe in something that is simply too good to be true by succumbing to the con man’s call.”

      The Scams and Fraud are not going to end. There is a ‘Cartel’ out there known openly as the ‘Syndicate.’ Watch a short video here: https://youtu.be/Z0LZ6DNCgrY

      What we have to do is learn from our mistakes and take more thought out actions the next time. Pointing fingers, is never really a good idea because when you point a finger, you always have three of them pointing back.

      If you haven’t already done so, you should subscribe to this site. Just because D9CLUBE is gone, does not mean that I am going to shut this site down too. I will actually start to uncover other schemes so that we do not fall victim again to these fraudsters. Subscription is free and you can subscribe by going here: http://d9club.siterubix.com/membership-join

      I truly feel miserable for your loss along with losses of the Hundreds of Thousands of others Worldwide.

      Stay in touch.
      Kindest Regards,


      • Hello Paul,
        We are all devastated after investing very big in this d9 now we can’t get anything out at all. It’s so frustrating.
        It’s a very painful lesson we are learning though we went in after being told that is well d9 is to stay.
        People who are like me are many n we really don’t know how we can recover our many!!!


        • Hello, Peera.
          Thank you for stopping by to express your feelings. I am like you and amongst those that do not know how to recover their money.
          I will have another article ready by Monday on exactly what HYIP’s and Ponzis are and what we should look for moving forward.

          If you have not already subscribed to this site, then I suggest you do. It is free to subscribe and I will not spam you. I also encourage others you know in this ‘farce’ to join also. At least this way we have a list of people that have been damaged all in one place. If there is any recourse or ‘class action’ then we are already together.

          You can do so here: http://d9club.siterubix.com/membership-join

          Again, thank you for stopping by and return often.

          Kindest regards,


          • Janeth

            Hi we need our money plse. This is very bad. No any information. Is itoney back on march 2018?

          • admin

            Hi, Janeth.
            Thank you for stopping by to say hello and express your concerns.
            Yes, we all need our money back. Are we going to get it? It does not look good. The D9 Clube of ‘Sports Traders’ are a group of very sophisticated scam artists and fraudsters. Only the authorities can do something at this time.

            Will we get our money back on Marck, 18th, 2018? I am not holding my breath.

            This company has conducted a very elaborate ‘Coup’ to extract money from hundreds of thousands around the World.

            Yes, this is very bad.

            Kindest regards,


  6. My back office is not openning

    • Hi, Mercy.

      Neither is anyone elses. It seems that we have been ‘taken to the cleaners.’

      Somebody out there, please help us.

      Kindest regards,


    • Has anyone been able to open back office yet? Any info at all

      • Hi, Yoman.
        Thank you for replying to Mercy Njoki.
        I will approve and publish your comment and at the same time offer my thoughts if it is OK.

        I know of not one person that can access their back office. Not one of us can even access the http://www.d9clube.com website.
        What does this indicate to you?

        Even though the ‘scamsters’ from D9 may have ‘fled’ with our money, I am going to keep this site open. You can subscribe (membership is free) and this way we can keep some communication open if a ‘Recourse’ is available.

        Thank you, Yoman for stopping by. Stay in touch.
        Kindest regards,


        • 당신은 d9 clube와 어떤 관계 입니까?

          • admin

            Hi, Minor.
            Thank you for stopping by. I do not understand Korean but I will try my best.
            I do not have any direct association with the D9 Clube. I am an internet Marketer and infopreneur. I did buy one package because the D9 Clube promised that they would be generating profits from ‘Arbitrage Sports Trading.’ Arbitrage Trading platforms have always been of interest to me.
            The only reason I bought a package was because I wanted to know how the system worked and I wanted to write about it objectively. Hence, the birth of this site. They also promised that we would receive ‘Sports Trading’ Instructional videos but these were presented in Portuguese and of no use to most.
            Short answer to your question is…I have zero association with D9. I am just like the hundreds of thousands of others that have been misled by this shameless Company and trying to figure out what to do next.
            Kindest regards,

            안녕, 마이너.

            들러 주셔서 감사합니다. 나는 한국어를 이해하지 못하지만 최선을 다할 것입니다.

            나는 D9 Clube와 직접적인 관련이 없다. 나는 인터넷 마케팅 및 infopreneur입니다. D9 Clube가 ‘Arbitrage Sports Trading’에서 수익을 창출 할 것이라고 약속했기 때문에 한 패키지를 구입했습니다. Arbitrage Trading 플랫폼은 언제나 저에게 흥미로 왔습니다.

            제가 패키지를 구입 한 유일한 이유는 시스템이 어떻게 작동했는지 알고 싶었 기 때문에 객관적으로 그것에 대해 쓰고 싶었 기 때문입니다. 따라서이 사이트의 탄생. 그들은 또한 우리가 스포츠 트레이딩 (Sports Trading) 수업 비디오를받을 것이라고 약속했지만 포르투갈어로 제공되었으므로 대부분의 사람들에게 유용하지 않습니다.

            귀하의 질문에 대한 짧은 대답은 … 나는 D9와의 연관성이 없다. 나는이 뻔뻔한 회사에 의해 잘못 인도되어 다음에 무엇을해야하는지 알아 내려고 노력하고있는 수십만 명의 사람들을 좋아합니다.

            친절한 분,


  7. Recapture challenge is not appearing in my phone what could be the problem.

    • Hi, Calmus.
      Try using a laptop or desk top.

      Too many people rely on the phone now.

      Let me know how you make out.


  8. Hae can’t access my account.recapture challenge is not appearing so I don’t know the problem.at first when I opens the account it worked after wards its not opening.

    • Asiku Geoffrey onyango

      What’s happening to d9

      • Hi Asiku.
        Thank you for stopping by.
        Nothing is happening at D9. None of us are able to access the site. I fear that the leaders of the program have either been shut down by authorities or they have ‘fled’ with our money. We have to seek a way of how to get our money back. Personally, I think that all is lost.
        It is completely disgraceful and unacceptable.
        Stay in touch. Even though D9 is dead, I am going to keep my information site open. Feel to subscribe to the site. There is no cost to join. This way, at least we have a list of people that have been ‘damaged’ by this D9 ‘Ponzi’ scam. If recourse is available, we can act together.

        Kindest regards,

  9. My account, username, Nassolo1, was registered on 31st May but it shows that I recovered my investment yet I have not, will it be renewed when it shows 2046 earnings? Please i request to be replied through my email, janenassolo@gmail.com

    • Hi, Jane.
      Please remember that I am just like you…a member.
      I am not the official D9Clube. Their site is http://www.d9clube.com

      I will respond to you personally at the mail provided to see if I can help.
      Kindest regards,


  10. Hi am unable to login my account this week and wen I try I only get red allows. I wanted to know how much dollars in my account. Could there be problems

    • I am told that our back office accounts will be available on next Tuesday.

  11. I join this club in June 2017. Have to mid of this month of june 2017 had US dollars 860 and have not done any withdrawal at all. This morning of date 27th july 2017 have tried to open the account but what am getting is a you tube video and I can’t access my account. Please help. Club Member

  12. Please I request your assistance as I received only $51 on 17th, July 2017 as per week payment for Gold account, is it fair?

    • Hi, Emmanuel.
      Yes this is the weekly payment on the ‘Gold’ Package.
      If you upgrade to ‘Gold Plus’ you will receive $170.00 per week.
      Hope this helps.


  13. Hallo Sir,we do not have structure for the new changes of payment made 17/July/2017 for Gold group and Extra Gold,please send us weekly payment changes.

    • Hi, Emmanuel.
      I do not yet have the structure myself.
      Please try to remember that I am a prticipant in this program just like yourself.
      I am not the actual D9 Company.

      You can try reaching them directly at suporte@d9clube.com



    • Hi, Elizabeth.

      Can you access your D9Clube back office?
      To do so, please go to the following link: https://office.d9clube.com/login

      Enter your Login (Username)
      Enter your Password
      Next (Very Important), Check the box marked “I’m not a Robot”
      Then you must follow the instructions of the ‘Captcha’
      Once the conditions of the ‘Captcha’ have been fulfilled, then and only then can you click on the “Green” Enter button.

      If you can do this properly, you should be able to get into your D9Clube back office.

      Once in, do not worry too much about “Authy’ or “Google Authenicator” at this time. You will only get more confused.

      Try this and see what happens.

      Best regards,


  15. i also have problems in accesing my account…and opening seems problematic..

    • Email me at paulmindra@gmail.com explaining in detail what challenges you are having.
      I will do the best I can for you.

      Kindest regards,


  16. Hi Admin ..I downloaded an authy that seemed not to work. I was told maybe its my phone that has issues. I have changed the phone, I just wanna know what I can do to download a new authy to the new phone so as to access my account. Its been more than a month now and am broke. Thank you

    • Hi, Juliet.
      Can you get into your D9 clube back office?


  17. Why my account is not open

    • Which account are you referring to?

  18. I have tried to log in my account but have failed completely to. How can I reset although I have also tried and keeps giving me the same provisions.

    • Hi, Isacc.

      Give me your Login user name at D9Clube and I will write an email for you to send in ‘Portuguese’ to send.

      The English version would be:

      To: suporte@d9clube.com
      Hello Support.
      My name is Isaac Ojok Olva.
      I have tried to log in my account but have failed completely to. How can I reset although I have also tried and keeps giving me the same provisions.
      My Login username is: XXXXXXXXX
      And my email for that username login is:
      Can you help?
      Kindest regards,

      The Portuguese version would be:

      Para: suporte@d9clube.com
      Olá Suporte.
      Meu nome é Isaac Ojok Olva.
      Tentei fazer login na minha conta mas falharam completamente. Como posso redefinir, embora eu também tentei e continue me dando as mesmas provisões.
      Meu nome de usuário de login é: XXXXXXXXX
      E meu e-mail para esse login de nome de usuário é:
      Você pode ajudar?

      You can now do this on your own but if you more help…send me your username/login at D9 and I will see what I can do for you.
      Hang in there.


  19. Hello,
    i want to know, according to the roumours in our country [Tanzania] that, this business is illegal, and some memo is spreaded is some social medias.
    please can you explain for me ? but am member of this business

    • Hi, Asha.
      It is completely up to you to do things based on rumors or not.
      Rumors are exactly that…rumors.
      We have them flying around here in Canada and the US also.

      I do things based on what my heart and mind tell me.

      Hope this helps.


  20. Why is logging in D9 a problem in most cases, is it’s network poor

    • Hi, Peter.
      This site is not the official D9Clube site.
      This site is for information only.

      Try contacting support directly at D9Clube.

      This is their support email:


      Hope this helps.


    • Hi, Peter.
      Logging in has never been a problem for me. Why is logging in a problem for you?

      Please elaborate so, I can assist further.



  21. it is an easy to do business.

    • Exercise caution at all times and never get in over your head.
      I try to provide as much information as I can so everyone can make their own informed decisions.
      Kindest Regards,

    • Hi, Manybay.
      What makes you believe that this business is good and just not another
      Ponzi scheme.

      I would value your thoughts.

      Kindest regards,


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